
4  2019-05-09 by RelevantField


Anne Hathaway has nice, thick bovine lips.

Nice beefers too.

How many of these "remakes but with chicks" actually make money? Because they keep pumping them out, and they sure seem like they keep landing with a thud.

Waiting for the inevitable all-female PREDATOR remake.

I'd watch that big he snuck up and raped them

The predators are actually female

Then Arnold appears and rapes them

So, the Predator is now a maid at his mansion?

They already cast Leslie Jones as the predator

Nahh, the Predator would have to be distinctly, CLEARLY a male, just to drive the point home further

Nahh, the Predator would have to be distinctly, CLEARLY a male, just to drive the point home further

And the predator has trump hair

Imagine Platoon or Full Metal Jacket with an all female cast. Great stuff!

This is the second major motion picture featuring Big Jay of 2019. Both films were made for a female audience. I can’t believe they would hire someone like him, with his history of verbal violence against women.

Usually it's the audience who are honest about this shit.

Meanwhile that new comic film for children is getting a higher approval from the critics than Citizen Kane.

There's another chick movie this weekend called POMs about geriatric cheerleaders. Hollywood bringing out the big guns for vagina weekend.