Patrick S. Tomlinson writes about sexually active children that are under the influence of alcohol.

46  2019-05-09 by stealthygeek


He also disrupts anti-pedophilia protests. Fun guy.

Why would someone have a problem with people who are AGAINST pedophilia? I just don't get it.

"Here's a guy who loves little weiners!"

  • Frank Caliendo as John Madden

When you name your child Patrick Sean Tomlinson, there are only two paths for the child

  • become a fat, drunken slob
  • become a fat, drunken, pederast slob

I see you also read Lipshitz

I find it humorous that humor is tagged

What a terrible writer. "A girl under each arm" - use more hacky meaningless phrases, stupid. You can clearly see Tomlinson is more concerned with getting credit as a "witty" author than actually telling a story.

Also "a beer in each hand."

"like a cruel irony."

"Irony" is an uncountable noun and so can't be preceded by the indefinite article. He writes like someone who dropped out of a shitty community college after two semesters and moved down to Florida to sell boiler room insurance to gullible seniors.

"I write things how I think people really talk. I keeps it vil, and I do it for you, child!"

Don’t forget he was also a shitty car salesman! I’m sure every time he lost a sale he told his managers it’s because all his customers were fascist nazis.

Another fail for the fat man!

Explains a lot. He is a bullshitter. Probably pretty good at it in person too. Not as much on the internet but he definitely tries to build up his phony resume/persona. I mean, how do you convince the science channel that you qualify to sit next to astrophysicists and ponder space theories or facts? The best thing he brought to the table is " The core is warm." Granted it was for a shitty Ancient Aliens knockoff but he must have lied well enough for someone to think he qualified.

I think the science channel wanted actual NASA employees but were too cheap and got unknown science fiction writers who pretend for a living since they know they will say anything to get on TV. Plus the channel could actually pay those authors LESS in exchange for exposure.

You mother fuckers blow me away everyday with the shit I learn here. They're gonna put you on bread bowl duty because of those smarts, mark my words

Wait that's exactly what he did!

yeeeeeeah we are not really talking about that guy anymore. did you get the memo?

Shut up, random letters

Yes we are, faggot.

Fucking a right we are... Shitdick

You don't get "saddled" with a name like that. His name wasnt fucking Sue Lightning or Fatrick Tubofshit for fuck sake. What the fuck is this shit head going on about anyway?

Hush, child. Pat starts thinking about drunk children with saddles and he can't think straight. You understand.

There are only two ways a child gets saddled with a name like Maximus Tiberius. He is fictional and written by a moron, or he was born in Ancient Rome and that's what people were called back then.

Why is he so obsessed with children? I'm serious here, no trolling. I think the cops or someone should be looking into this guy.

/u/patrickstomlinson we're on to you, child (fucker).