Hump Day Confessions

0  2019-05-08 by timallenonacid

Reveal your worst moments before our Lord so he may forgive you

I’ll start us off this evening; I didn’t hold the door for a gentlemen coming behind me at the supermarket two days ago. I’ve said 7 Hail Marys and I have received God’s love and forgiveness.


If you don't mind me asking, did God relay that information to you

you don’t get the newsletter?

I'm probably not on his mailing list

Anally from a homeless man with a bible.

In true biblical spirit

I jerked off in a church bathroom during a funeral. Lord forgive me.

That's just trying to show off.

It's true though

Is your name Dave by any chance? Do you reside in the Eastside?

God told me that you should contribute to Bobo's gofundme and listen to the Jim and Sam show for a week.

The devil takes many forms

Some asshole didn’t hold the door open for me at the supermarket two days ago, so I fucked his mother

I once offered 60 dollars for the severed head of Nick DiPaolo but got outbid