Compound Media, 20 minutes after the OnA money runs out

33  2019-05-08 by MonsignorScurrility


He sprout a shitty beard in 20 minutes?

The hairplugs are spreading like a weed

He’s gonna have Artie come back and strip all the copper out

He’ll be wishing he didn’t toss those tools out on the highway like a dramatic 14 year old.

Looks like someone beat him to it.

Anthony looks like the cannibals in the game Days Gone. He should really trademark his likeness. Any post apocalyptic setting could use that hideous, Moorish, tyranny loving, mom forgetting, pissy eyed, bovine brother having wop.

Damn, that's a lot of adjectives.

I was running out towards the end.

Pretty sure thats from today.

Nice Tunisian Columbo look, dick.