Hi, I’m a moron, but also a private citizen. That fact will result in this shithole getting shutdown. Also, I have a huge face.

7  2019-05-08 by Porkclerk82


I think we should leave it alone.

I'm scared guys

Making fun of a young woman’s appearance could result in suicide. While great material for the sub, that could make things a bit dicey

I'm more concerned about the forced content, honestly.

If you put your name and face on social media you've made yourself a public figure.

I don’t think that’s how that works.

If someone standing on a corner with an anti-abortion sign is considered a public figure someone on twitter calling for murder with their real name and face on the account certainly is.

I’m sure Reddit will see it that way.

They just allowed stories to be posted about a politician harassing and threatening to get two teenage girls killed for protesting at an abortion clinic. The video with their faces was posted a dozen times here the other day.

This girl is a liberal teen. That’s the difference.

Who even is this freckled marshmallow in a bad wig?

The bastard spawn daughter of Sam Roberts and Linzbella will find a time machine in the year 2039; she'll then go back in time 20 years to put out a hit on Nick DiPaolo.

Why are a bunch of cumtown fags posting about how totes lame brah it is to laugh at some dumb fatty? Go post in chapo for a couple of days and it'll blow over you queers.

The idiot moderators here are actively participating in it too. SpaceEdge deserved the beating he got over his monumental faggotry but at least at the old place, the mods acted like mods for the sake of plausible deniability. The mods here are regularly breaking Reddit TOS with this shit and trying to stir up shit with the ChapoTrapHouse retards. It's truly mind-boggling how fucking stupid they are.

The inmates are running the asylum

My participation since I found out that she was a random teenager has been telling everyone that this is very stupid and it's going to kill the sub if it continues. What the fuck do you want man? I'm a buzzkill faggot if I do anything about it and I'm a stupid fuck if I don't. We have yet to receive any sort of complaint about this shit, but I wouldn't be surprised if the admins just ban this place without warning. It happens.

We just made fun of the cunt a little. Nothing that breaks TOS