Patrice O'Neil at the Charlie Sheen Roast. Found a good quality version. Enjoy

19  2019-05-08 by StutterinPrickYou


"I'm dying of diabetes" ;_;

Patrice calling out Steve-O's "goofy fake punch" during the savaging was brilliant, because I remember watching this show as it aired and thinking the fake punch was humiliating, then he drops "You disturb me with your lack of edge"

Is that Anthony's laugh at 29 seconds after Fag McFarlane tells the Rosa Parks joke?

I miss Patrice so much.

Thanks for posting this

Desktop version of the web page. OP's link is to the mobile version of the webpage.

"looks like Chris Farley after a mine explosion" Funny line for a dog

When i first saw the Roast i had this strange feeling that something bad was gonna happen to Patrice , the way the stage was lit , it looked like a satanic alter .