I'm doing my part.

83  2019-05-08 by nomadiqqq2


70 seems to high


there's a bot for this

paging /u/michaelrichardsbot

Wow faggot I love to come on this sub and be drunkenly Its not my fucking concern to have proper english grammar

i double her to shut that dumb dago nigger up

How did she arrive at that number? Is that all the money in her bank account? Was the $70 to cover expenses?

God's work. Who else might run with it?

Good point, might be a good idea to get it to smaller outlets first. It has everything the media wants, a death threat, Black Lives Matter and a black comedian.

Send it to that faggot on YouTube James Allsup.

I believe Jason Howerton of the Blaze was an OnA fan. So, maybe he’ll do a write up for da show

fo da show

smaller outlets

It doesn't get much smaller than Compound Media or Opie Radio.

whats compound media?

I bang , but that’s low hanging fruit.

Good thinking. This is the type of thing Breitbart might run with.

lol Breitbart is capable of actually making a story out of this. Good work

Yup, this is the kind of garbage they love.

We have potential to actually enhance DiPaolo's image and name recognition if this gets circulated

Agreed . Nick could be famous one day.

I hated Nick Diapolo, but fuck this cunt. Way to make me changes teams forehead.

It's always been battle of the cunts around here.

A saint on Earth my friend.