Riveting podcast material

301  2019-05-07 by ChanceArm


I spent way too much time on this shit

Thank you for your service.

Not enough. Make more. We need to keep feeding Nana

It makes us retardeds happy. Thank you kindly.

No you didn’t, child. It’s literally perfection

I'm in the military and have done less for this country

Peeling potatoes is no small thing.

When I get out, out with the potato peeler, in with the Panera apron.

Since that guy who drew like Ralph Stedman and clowned Sam drowned in the migration you're our resident funny page artist. One a week, faggot, get to it.

He was supposed to make us some nice drawings of Kelsey Cook's big tits, too.

Who is the monster on the left?

You sir are a modern-day Bob Ross and nail that guy to a T

Look, I know this is reddit, but there are plenty of better artists than Bob Ross.

Sorry Im old. That what we had in the early 90s

Thousand Island stare

Stav's gay

woke ass fatty

He looks like a final boss from a Sega Genesis game.

That doesnt answer the question

He looks like the South Park fat guy at the computer

Prototypical Red Sox fan

What happened to Lee? I thought he lost some of that weight.

That was 2 years ago. I tuned out a year ago, but Lee's Mexican lawyer girlfriend left him, so all he has now is taco trucks and Joey Diaz

lol i love this pic

Was just going to ask the same thing haha who's the fat shit over there. didn't see no curly hair or cum rolling off the side of his chin so it's definitely not Sam come drinking Robert's

Lee, Joey’s producer and another “Stand Up Comedian”.

The sheer number of talented artists, philosophers and musicians in this sub never ceases to amaze me. This place is like the Agora in ancient Greece, except with less ass fucking

I think you mean more ass fucking

except with less ass fucking

This is largely due to lack of opportunity.

No bullshit brotherman

I forgot to mention that I’m George Clooney

Just a bunch of thespians palling around.

The Retard Renaissance, one might say.

It was the best of times, it was the braaaaaaaaaa airport has my shoes!

Less ass fucking but more asses

This place is like the Agora in ancient Greece, except with less ass fucking

Slow down.

I like how Norton isn't important enough to get fingernails like the other two

Worms have no nails.

This is amazing.

The microphones are dildos, Jim’s feet don’t touch the ground. Excellent work.

And they're dripping with saliva. Nice touch. Though they certainly wouldn't be dry.

You think Jim still cries about his prince?

He was the one Icelandic transvestite camwhore that begs for money from rubes who got away.

he would cry about him under the right circumstance

Tremendous work as usual

Nice work on Diaz, you captured his toadlike essence well.

Joey Diaz disgusts me. Never got the appeal of him.

His voice sounds like boiling tar

Sounds like he's constantly choking on a greasy Italian sausage.

You don’t like things like;

“Yeah so I took a little snort off her clit hood”


“So I says to her ‘what if I go down on your pussy in this batroom and lata you can suck on my cock?’”

I never believe his sex stories. He's an obese, pockmarked, 3rd world cokehead.

Honestly I think he got high and wandered into a Macy's and had those conversations with a mannequin.

He plays into the caricature of the “crazy” uncle everyone feels like they could have but no one actually does have. Fucking idiots like Rogan don’t call him out when he talks about “doin jobs” like he’s fucking DeNiro in Heat and then people in the middle of the country believe him

I wonder if it were the Thor's husband that Jim caught him texting

Wasn't Jim trying to break up a marriage to get his dream Viking?

Diaz made me laugh out loud, great job.

I hate how the worm still refers to girls as his ex. It’s been years, she’s just your fucking friend. Stop trying to sound like you have a deeper connection.

"my chick"

“My” “”chick””

Wait a second, those don't look like microphones...

the fuck is that

Joey Diaz looks exactly like the fat disgusting slob he is

Opiods give you the worst sweats

What's with the Stars? Are those edibles or something?

Google search - red stars of death. A few years ago he never shut the fuck up about them

aw i luv my gummay staws you take a half of one of theses....i gave them to my buddy from back home he ate the whole bag. he called me the next day....

That's the shit that killed Lincoln! What a fat slob

This is a really shitty podcast but an interesting listen. Joey is trying to get Norton to talk about dirtbag shit but he keeps going on and on about his gay relationship. Joey had no idea how to respond to any of the faggotry Norton was spewing. Watch a few minutes of Florentine's appearance where they talk about eating stripper pussy and compare it to this drivel, it's fuckin disgusting

You really made Jim look like he has AIDS. Great work!

You perfectly captured Joey Diaz - bovine stare, gaping mouth, slobby, sweaty, and fat.

It's like two mancubus and an imp from Doom.

Erlenmeyer Flask as a bong is a nice touch.

I just watched some of this on YouTube. You captured it perfectly

Time well spent.

My only criticism is that jim doesnt drink "cum", he drinks "retarded bloody aids cum". Besides that, brilliant.

Pin this!

Really nailed Lee’s Humpty Dumpty proportions

Lee needs to take care of himself. Someone needs to hit him or something.

Even in his interview for the Patrice doc Norton was like "Yeah, man, when me and my chick broke up Patrice gave me some sage black man advice..."

but are you allowed to bring cock mic equipment into the city?

MegagaY. In my gayest hour.

Nigger’s Island

What the fuck. Why's everyone here so good at drawing? Let's get an o&a drawing course going so we can train more people for material


With edgy material like that, you should be tag teaming a special with Nick dipaolo.

It wasn't a joke.

We get it, you aren't funny.

Who is "we?"

loving this outburst of oc

HAHAHA HO-LEE-SHIT! Joey Diaz looks likes a Goblin.


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If only you could illustrate the baseball sized hunk of phlegm Joey always seems to have in his throat.

You cant just screen cap their podcast and directly post their image, its copyrighted bro.

Lee is spot on