"Fake PC bullshit maaaan, it's never gonna swing back the other way, Stoooooop it already!" - Jim Norton

3  2019-05-07 by CacaCunt

He's had enough. He's not going to take it anymore. When he's done getting buttfucked in Trump Tower, he'll be late to work to complain about it and to tell you about how his shitting is going. Thank you for your time.


Jim postured himself as a champion for free speech, yet the second any heat got turned on he shriveled up like a worm in the hot sun

The cracks cant be unseen stupid

Political Jimmy is one of the worst parts of his personality. The dummy doesn’t watch news or keep up on current events because he’s searching for trannies on Instagram.

Today also was a lot of Jimmy not liking certain shows etc. He still lives in the 70s and 80s and basically knows nothing thereafter of popular culture.