56  2019-05-07 by earthdogbb


is dying during childbirth still a thing? it should totally be a thing when it comes to certain intolerable people

The fat ones are usually the ones to live, actually

Brick Shit House, Jr.

That’ll do pig, that’ll do.

Looks just like his mother, and hooefully has the brain of his father.

The brain of the man who married Amy Schumer? Are you crazy!?

This fuckpig finally given birth? Christ, hasn't she been letting ppl know she's been carrying a heeb what feels like forever.

Her gestation period is the same as an elephant’s.

These two shouldn't have been legally allowed to reproduce.

Why is she not wearing make-up?

As if it wasn't bad enough letting herself put on so much weight, she WILLINGLY had photographs taken without make-up or jewelry. smh...

Her husband looks like Justin Long playing a retard.

Or just Justin Long.

That'll do.