Corruption is a serious problem in Romania, which is considered one of the European Union’s most corrupt states.

39  2019-05-07 by comic631


Redundancy brought to you by EuroNews.

The resemblance is uncanny.

I didn’t know they elected a gypsy for president. Times are a changing, huh?

He's their Obama

They say if he bites the hand of your firstborn daughter your leprosy is cured

Lucky them

Anthony Cumia, this timeline’s version, is a lizard person

he cant afford child blood any longer so he is morphing back into his reptilian form

soon he will return to his home world on planet faggot, but not soon enough

How the fuck does the right side of his face have so many folds! And with all his acne scars, you can't tell where one fold ends and another begins.

Thank God Bulgaria is there to take the "Most Corrupt" title.

Anton Cumcescu