Open Letter to My Friends

3  2019-05-06 by timallenonacid

As you know, most of you are sinful heathens. You drink toxic swill, use sinful language and engage in promiscuity + the inhalation of Satan’s lettuce. Although you often redeem yourselves by punishing the wicked with amusing antidotes, drawings and other creative endeavours that please our Lord, it’s not enough.

It has come to my attention that a great many of you refuse to repent, it would devastate me beyond words if, even one of you, did not make it beyond the pearly gates to rest among the clouds with our loving and forgiving Lord.

Although our Lord is wholesome and pure, he will not hesitate to send you to be tortured for all of eternity and never see your family again for things such as cursing and drinking and “beefer posts” For he is fair and just.

So I encourage all of you, when the seductive temptress of lust emerges on a lonely eve to lead you down the path of sin and perversion SAY NO. When a silver tongued devil behind a bar tries to lure you into purchasing the devil’s juice, RESIST and when Lucifer himself emerges from a shadowy alleyway with a bag of illegal substance, RUN AND SCREAM LOUDLY. Also clean up your potty mouths and say 777 HAIL MARYS EACH before sun’s set.

I love you all but I love my father, Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ more. Praise him. Amen.



Your soul is doomed

But how can we get Eddie Vanhalen if we don't have a triumphant video?

I just cum today in my hand is that gay?

Depends how much you enjoyed slurping your shame blob down the ol hatch

I fully plan to repent soon, I just want to see sams_seeds beefers before I do

Imagine 2 beige colored water balloons, 2/3rds filled, with two melty Tootsie rolls stuck to them

It's a tough one man. I missed that whole era on the board, i do love me some black titties.

On the other hand having everlasting life and being able to worship my personal lord and savior is hard to pass up.

Will you livestream it when you do it?

When he saves your immortal soul from the burning pit of fire? I sure hope he does. God is good.


Should have posted more tits with it


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I liked it better when Bam's Seed was doing this bit; at least hers had pictures.

Nuh dat debber habbint

Way to fall for a Jewish con