Can we please move our focus to Jim / Sam for the next month?

163  2019-05-06 by Opesterino

We can always go back to Fatreeky but I personally would like to sam lose his wwe job and jim get questioned for some of the things he used to say / do.

-I'm a faggot


You ain't wrong about any of that. Those faggots are getting off scot-free, whereas someone should catch up to them about a half a mile down the road and slit their throats.

Figuratively speaking of course.

Next you're gonna say we bodyshamed a Puerto Rican single mother with a growth on he stomach.

If you flip her over, you won't see it

Here is the only problem with that. Someone would have to listen to their show.

We could pay someone in Pakistan $5 a day to sift through it and timestamp keywords.

Erock would do it for a donut

I do :(

Why? Just from habbit or background noise?

it's the most similar thing to o&a that still exists. it is often dull (as were a lot of o&a shows). jim seems to be bored/tired/playing it safe versus how he was 10 years ago & sam is annoying as ever. but it has its moments and i don't believe that anyone who listens to it doesn't like it at all.


Theres probably countless podcasts that are closer to what O and A were. Jim and Sam seem to be legitimately NOTHING like the original show and more closely resemble a horrid small town morning show with "two guys that genuinely have no opinions or comedic views on things"

Like what? Podcasts mostly stink and arent funny. J&S is okay and has moments if the right guest is on.

Shut up, homo.

little of both.

i do too :(

This isn't confession time homos

I listen too.


Have you considered suicide instead?

Yes but I want to completely destroy my pride and will to live first.


U/evil-nick do you have a lazy eye?

I feel that's an inside joke from da show.


Somebody needs to listen for an opportunity to get things taken away from them.

Wait faggot poster could there be a me too movement moment with little jimmy?

We tried. No one cares.

Jim could only start a #who movement

Jarn Morton: #WeBoo

find something worth shitting on them for or shut up you faggot

Sam is unattractive. How’s that?

Don’t go for the throat so quickly there, killer.

Fuck 'em up!


For Jim to get any kind of flak, the underage child he raped would have to come forward. Otherwise, no one cares.

I swear guys, I tried to listen today.

45 minutes of Jimmy doing Winnie the Pooh impersonations as a sexual harasser.

I am half-looped on post-surgical pain meds this week, but even I know there is NOTHING funny going on in the J&S universe that isn't unintentional.

Just dull, inane, nothingness.

How many pain meds would we have to give you to listen daily and make notes and timestamps so we don't have to?

You trying to kill the man?

PAIN pills?!? don’t you know Jim is a fucking ADDICT?! You scumbag the show isn’t for you, stupid.

He needs to go to a meeting

Jimmy must have listened to the Bonfire. Pretty sure Soder does a Winnie the Pooh impression. Poor worm can't help getting influenced by others.

He’s never listened to the Bonfire. He loves Dan and Jay, and would genuinely tell you if he’d heard that impression, genuinely.

Jim created the impression on the show. He had to hear it a few times to try an impression. He only tried it because the voice of Pooh was in the news for some funny stuff.


Not everything is stolen.

No, I don't.

Paralell thinking

You didn't enjoy the Ms. Pat interview?

Jus’ gettin’ into it naw, shugah.

Oooh. She right. Young boys wanna be stickin dicks in yo ear.

Ain’t nobody got time fo dat. I gots a gay daw-tah.

Fuck this. I gotta get outta bed.

So Jimmy stole Dan Soder's Winnie the Pooh impression? Sounds like the content we are looking for around here, boys.

I haven't heard it but I can guarantee he's copying Ant's Impression

i'd prefer we tell jim to go back to the way he used to be

Is it a job? I just assumed he was a volunteer

can anyone try to prank call those tards? please?

Who's stopping you?

Seriously, you sound like a cuck. Instead of whining for more J&S, take the fucking bull by the horns, soyboy.

Downvoting me ain't making you look less soy.


soy boy

WWE fan

Fuck off

Right back at you, faggot.

Stop talking like a trucker in your late 30s trying to stay up with internet slang. You're about 2 years behind. Wresting is for queers.

Tell us more about what's for queers, you seem well-versed on the subject, faggot.

That's a lot of alt-right twitter jargon in one comment. Its so retarded that I am not sure it isn't parody or a bot.

Play along, damn you.

We had a guy that was reporting on new J&S shows & you guys bullied him!

You must be mistaken, this is a welcoming community driven off loyalty and logic

Love for a fellow brothaman

Yea why aren't we getting the worms gigs cancelled? I'd love to hear him flip out about it on his shitty radio show

Now there's a great idea.

For some reason I looked at Sam's Twitter today and his profile pic made me want to break my phone

Yeah, I’m not listening to that bullshit. I haven’t listened to minute one of it, and I’m not about to start now. Just post whatever you want to post.

You cannot control where the cancer spreads, my child.

Seriously, I dont give a shit if some nobody like Ant's brother pissed you off on Twitter. The hate needs to be focused on the backstabbers.

There's enough hate to go around.

I thought we were waiting for jocktober to honor them all month long?