"Realize that sleeping on a futon when you're 30 is not the worst thing." - Bill Burr

53  2019-05-06 by StentFeznor


Underrated movie

I can't remember the last time there was a comedy advertised that wasn't "girls are outrageous", "being black is crazy, yo", millionaire actors in a pretentious indie, or a shitty reboot.

I remember watching it when I was like 11 or 12 and my step mom was around. She kept hearing Jim Carreys kids saying motherfucker and she said "that's something black people say all the time" and I remember thinking she's a fucking retard who thought I was fucking retarded. She's very insulting with how dumb she is, and assumes other people are. A while ago I was about to microwave something and she said "you know to take off that tin foil right?" I'm fucking 25, not 4 years old. Good movie for sure though.

I didn’t need to hear any of that, you weirdo

i really don't care at all what you want or need.

also your comment is from 10 hrs ago, and you responded instantly to my message. might wanna tone it down with reddit there buddy.

Michael Richards, help me out here