Fags are bummed that Louie is taking extra steps (or “exploiting copyright loopholes”), in making sure people aren’t filming his sets.

13  2019-05-05 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Others pointed out the irony of C.K. demanding consent for something.

Poignant insight there

“Cry about it, faggot.” Should be the new tag line, instead of 🤡🌎

He got consent from those whores he jerked off in front of, dopes

Yeah but Louis as a struggling comedian/staff writer on the Conan O'Brien show back when no one cared about it had way too much power for those women to be able to say no safely.

Exactly - how could a powerless waif like Sarah Silverman possibly say no to someone who'd written on Dana Carvey's rapidly-cancelled career-ending show?

If a "news" website doesn't have comments you know it's completely biased retardation

even retards at fox don't disable it cause the know they can get their echo chamber to drown it out, but down-syndromed liberal shit will never entertain the idea cause it's easier to not have potentially wrong words than to give into the bubble

They don't want a discourse/discussion on the left, they only want to talk down to you. Just a few years ago that Adam Ruins Everything faggot could talk to Lauren Southern on her show and be civil and listen to her. Now just a week or so ago he goes on Rogans show and just attempts to talk down to him the whole time. Rogan shut him the fuck down without being shitty to him the whole time. Of course Rogan got shitty on totally fuckable Candace Owens over silly fucking global warming because she's conservative though. Rogan is so fucking dumb about global warming he doesn't realize that all the planets in our solar system are heating up right now at the same time as well. Fucking political line crossing faggot that manlet midget Rogan is.

Louis C.K. is touring again, and this time nobody is going to be able to record his Parkland material, or whatever.

Nice writing, stupid.

Is this the same Louis that brought us cheaper tickets and $5 Cd's.