You want to fuck me Tony? How about you Joe? C’mon and fuck me! For old time’s sake.

36  2019-05-05 by pashow84


I hate to nitpick, but it was Jennifer who Joe fucked first, not Lobster Girl. Lobster Girl blew Spaz the intern and then Anthony dated her for 9 precious years and bought her mother teeth and bought her sister's family a brand new trailer to live in.

Oh and Anthony's so awesome, that while he was playing Craps or whatever at the Faggy-Fag-Dago-Wop-Lose-Money casino in wherever-the-fuck, she said "I'm leaving" and he was all "yeah I'll be up there soon" and she was like "no, I'm LEAVING" and Anthony was all "well, time for me to rape kids from now on".

i thought it was Dawn

It is

That’s Dawn. Thought that would be obvious from the scene I was referencing.

What an awful take.

"at least rub my boobs again, Ant! feel 'em up real nice"

You could drive a car down fucking Joe's back.

I gotta get organized..Keith check the live feed wire that goes to the extra time make up wire.

Tony Montrampa

Joe looks like the fucking gluttony guy from seven here