🙏 Dear God, I know we don't talk much. I'm trying to be a better Christian. But if you truly exist... and if you truly love us...

34  2019-05-05 by MrStealYourVape

...you'll have Amy Schumer's baby be one of those autists that screams and cries and tries to attack everybody 24/7.


A real paint chip, penny eating window licker on a short bus kid.

And, peace be with you.

When I was little I remember being fascinated with the wheelchair lift on that short bus, although the kids in the wheelchairs kind of scared me. There was one boy who’s socks were always coming off and I remember thinking someone should pull them up because it’s an annoying feeling when a sock is slipping off. Poor kid, I’m sure he’s dead now.

A real paint chip, penny eating window licker on a short bus kid.

And, peace be with you.

We heard you

fair punishment for stealing $100k in clothing imo

Is this true? If so, what are the details?

Oh right. I haven’t watched part 2 yet. Thanks.

Retarded enough to never listen but physically big and able and very fast.

let it be austistic enuff to go shoot up a theater while a horrible movie is playing

im anti-vax because i believe in weeding out the weak

You realize you'd be creating more stupid fuck anti vaxers right?

im anti-vax because i believe in weeding out the weak

Yeah i got no problem with that angle.

If not, let the baby grow up to be a conservative leader who helps bring down the final remnants of the Democratic party.

Like she wouldn't use that to switch sides when convenient...

You think Big Schumes could take on one of these?

Her womb may be rotten but those tits sure are delightful.

I mean, you’d just be punishing the nanny that’s going to raise it. Plus Big Amy will becomes that much more of a hero to those losers if she has a retard baby.

Please lord it’ll be really funny made me laugh

Hallalullha ha Haha