No, child. I am not fat. And I still get laid more than you ever will.

161  2019-05-05 by StarbuckAndCasey


Repost from the dead sub.


Those two fat bastards have to be related

They’re just regular facial features for a product of incest

he's seriously bragging about getting regular sex in a committed relationship

You misspelled lying

even if he WAS getting it, it's still a pathetic thing to brag about

Oddly enough he gives credence to the wording. In his case, a relationship is something he would have committed.

And the sex is getting worse and worse. The stress he puts on her to be the bread winner has forced her into nightly post work-shift drinking and Ethiopian slop eating, which is putting on the weight.

Patty Arbuckle

Copyright 1910. Peter Tomlinson

This entire thing has gotten so boring

Thanks for weighing in, councilman

You're not wrong

u/patrickstomlinson comment? You cum guzzling faggot.

I think he finally caught on

You'd think, since he's such a comedic firebrand, a stand up comic, a comedienne, a humorous science fiction writer, and a ztand up zomic, he would find humor in this harmless post.


It’s easy to get laid when you’re forcing it on children.

How many more twitter followers than you? I can’t remember at this point

Tfw you realize you’ve struck a woman

he's got Pat's face and Ant's plugged up hairline (and the hairline's not the only thing that Ant's had plugged. pad-um-tssss!)

"Anyone got a coke?"