I am going to Milwaukee in a couple weeks

63  2019-05-04 by Wolosocu

If I get a picture of Fatrick then I will own the copyright. I will then, of course, allow the picture to be used freely.


Just go down to Holligans between noon and 5:00 during a workday.

4am. He camps out like it's black friday

Going by the Brewers schedule will probably give the highest probability of finding him there.

Whatever you do, DO NOT kill Patrick S. Tomlinson!

Would you even get 12 jurors to convict?

He's the one who should be on trial. Perverted fuck

Wear a MAGA hat and wear a bodycam. The sub would have material for days. Maybe 4.

5 even, maybe 6 but that’s being generous.

Can you so whatever u can to get a pic of him eating a long sandwich - he must be using 2 hands when eating....

U probably don't need to wait more than a few minutes to catch that happening in the wild.

You need to talk to him and film it.

Check out Hooligan's and La Masa Empanada Bar

Dont go to Appleton. That town is 0 fun

I can confirm.

whatever you do, DO NOT insert an apple spice candle into patrick s. tomlinson rectally

You should have consensual gay sex with him, for the goof

Dare you to sit next to him with a Maga hat. If hes as hardcore as he claims he will throw a punch, then you can sue him and the establishment. Its easier than winning the lottery

It's not hard to get a picture of a guy who sits in a bar all day. It goes from funny to sad in 10 minutes.

A shot of him doing standup at whatever shitty open-mic he frequents would be very handy.