
61  2019-05-04 by JMueller2012


A homosexual midget who talks about weed and naked men grappling. How inspiring.

I remember a post on the original joerogan2 sub where a guy followed this advice and started taking Alpha Brain and doing kettlebell workouts. He’s smoking some weed in his car before work and a cop sees him, long story short he goes to jail and loses everything. He was really angry at Joe.

I was arrested for smoking freebase in my breakroom. Personally, I blame the Cumias.


Steve said you gotta clean our your locker in the breakroom. Also, he knows about our soup heist

You’re a disgrace to the Panera apron.

I was arrested for shoplifting sushi, I personally blame The Japanese

I just got a lifetime ban from whole foods

I bought a Vizio tv for my daughters room. I blame Kuhn.


yaaaa so youre like this guyyy who doess thiss thingg and it's all so new man, like all of it, everything. Who know's what's going on man but I just think if youu doo your thiinngg and other people do their thiinngg then maybe we'll all be ok, it's probabblly thee best soluttiooon, Jamie pull up that wanderlust thing about thaat guuyy who did some stuff.

Be the snake-oil salesman of your own podcast

yeah, make this dudebro your oracle & watch your life get major GAINS

Unfunny midget

Little person is the preferred nomenclature please. Anti satirical Lilliputian would be acceptable as well.

Well, this is what happens when u get too big and every dipshit comedian/celebrity u invite on kisses your ass for over 3hrs