How to fit in at the trap house

29  2019-05-04 by HooligansPatron


Oh wow, you get upvotes there for being a self-hating white man. What a fun place.

don't forget to exude an air of smugness while misspelling words as easy as "awful"

And “payed” and

Well I wouldn't expect them to know how to spell that since most haven't paid for anything

What's wrong with being a self-hating white man? Don't knock it until you tried it.

Everyone here hates themselves in their own unique ways, none of them however are due to being white. What's a chud btw?

We use it to insult maga people or conservatives, mostly.

Source: am chapotard or whatever y'all call us.

Thanks. I'm familiar with your sub. I like that you try to have a sense of humor. 'Chuds' is inventive. The podcast is bad though, you gotta lose the hole. Also, your politics are identical to a 18yo girl who just read a social studies book. Mixed in with ironic queer aggression. It's annoying man.

Well I wouldn't know about the podcast, Im there because someone introduced me to r/ChapoTrapHouse2, which is just us tankies fangirling over Garfield's feet.

I don't actually care to talk about politics right now, but I could just as easily complain that all you guys do is call people faggots, which is equally annoying. More so, in my personal opinion.

I mean the whole point is probably to trigger the libs or whatever though.

As for "our politics" sounding like it came from an 18 y/o girl, I mean to us yours sounds like some 40 year old neckbeard who spends his whole life complaining about women online.

In reality both ideologies come from a bunch of old, racist white guys though, so whatever.

I dunno

I mean the whole point is probably to trigger the libs or whatever though.

The whole point is to make ourselves laugh. Most insults here are against each other (or violent sexual predators). Demeaning people shakes loose delusions of grandeur or taking yourself so seriously.

It's a way to remind each other, you aren't special. You are not above anyone else. Think of it as a form of communism. Everyone is equal, faggot.

In reality both ideologies come from a bunch of old, racist white guys though, so whatever.

I dunno

Yeah, that's the problem. Either Chapo fans take it all so seriously or they act non-committal to their beliefs. As if you have all these grand answers for the world's trouble but mannnn, whatever, I dunno.

The latter is more obnoxious because any valid criticism is dismissed with Chapo's infamous pseudo-intellectual/ironic humor. It simply shows how shallow your beliefs are

Our beliefs aren't necessarily shallow, we just never talk about our specific beliefs because we all disagree on so many different points and come from so many different beliefs and ideologies.

For instance there is a ton of people insulting each other over being too much of a liberal and not far enough left, or insulting people by calling them tankies, or that they are too far left.

I mean hell, just look at r/chapotraphouse versus r/ChapoTrapHouse2, CTH2 makes fun of CTH1 all the time, despite us all being leftists (Other than CTH1 of course, they are a bunch of liberals /s)

That's the beauty of the sub in my opinion, everyone disagrees on like everything, so we just get a bunch of fighting and shit. It's enjoyable for me to watch and partake in. Beside, most of it is just us fucking around. You can look at the poll results if they are still up, and you can see that most people don't belong to one specific ideology, but rather a shit ton of leftist ones.

It's just a bunch of leftists fucking around, so its not fair to say we aren't committed to our beliefs, in my opinion.

You could argue with me and a different chapotraphouse user and be arguing against two very different arguments and ideologies.

We have lots in common of course, we are all left of the average liberal or conservative, but that doesn't mean we are the same.

Me saying

whatever, I dunno

Wasn't that I don't care, it was referencing you saying that our ideas sounded like it came from an 18 y/o kid and me saying that yours seems like it comes from a 40 y/o incel from /pol/; the ideas all come from some old Europeans rather than a kid or a neckbeard. I was saying that insulting/poking fun at how the ideas seem to come from an idiot don't make sense, since we know where they came from.

That's a whole lotta words to say, "we like fucking children."

Aww, and here I thought we were gonna have a real conversation. But alright buddy. Glad we could have a real discussion even if it lasted one comment and 2 replies, it's more than I expected of you.

Side note, but last time I checked it was us making fun of you guys for being pedos? I thought y'all libertarians and conservatives were the pedos? I mean y'all got the churches and shit and the libertarians who argue for lowering the age of consent.

I don't recall us being pedos, unless you are referring to the USSR or some shit, which basically no one supports, and even those who do don't support the aoc or basic structure of.

Jesus Christ, you just assume I'm libertarian or conservative because I have no respect for you?

I have no interest in your "hard-drive full of horrors". Peddle your child porn somewhere else, pal. Stop PMing me

People who aren't conservative, libertarian or right wing don't usually feel so comfy with using slurs.

In that case go fuck yourself, liberal.

ahhhh why don't you fit into my 1 of my 5 categories?! It's not possible to hold a complex belief system outside these boxes! There is no way to see validity and flaws in differing ideologies. And you can't share any of my beliefs because you don't conform to my view of "-isms"!!

Grrrr why isn't my trolling working on stupid Chuds? I said "y'all" a bunch and everything!! Have I spent too much time in an echo chamber of confirmation bias my sensibilities, personality, and ideologies are not challenged and therefore can't develop or grow stronger? And when things are left stagnate they eventually atrophy and die...? No, it's them who is wrong!

Aughhhh...send me pictures of your young nephew!!!

What have you dumbfucks appropriated y'all now? Fuck of liberal.

Whoaaa, liberal huh? Breaking out the big guns.

What a fucking dork.

Why would it matter where an idea came from? Ideas should be judged on their own merits. The age of the idea in no way detracts from its value.

That was my point, thanks for explaining it.

He said that our idea sounded like it came from a little girl, and I said that his sounded like it came from an incel, but that they are both about the same age, so that point doesn't actually contribute anything.

We clearly disagree on the merit of the two ideas, but I thought (wrongly) that we could at least agree that the age of the idea is of no consequence, proven by the fact that our two base ideologies are about the same age.

I agree with you fully, and that's what I was trying to explain. Hopefully he will read what you wrote and understand what I meant.

You hit the nail on the head. Bill Burr does the same thing, just throws his hands up and says "I'm just a white guy, what do I know."

These are just weak cowardly males, not even men.

This is why these soft losers on the left can't meme, they take themselves too seriously because they're all unemployed do nothing have nothing know nothing's.


Truly hilarious shit my guy, when can I go to the standup bit?

Not quite as good as the guy who called me a bigger and a faggot though to be real with you. You should try a little harder next time man.

shut up faggot

A bigger? Just say nigger you fucking mental and physical nothing.

Lmao it was a typo, I fixed it for you buddy.

People who aren't conservative, libertarian or right wing don't usually feel so comfy with using slurs.

In that case go fuck yourself, liberal.

I guess I'm too stupid to see your point, unless you are trying to say I for into one of those groups because I quoted what another person said?

Here's the thing when you say "your politics" in reference to leftists it's fuckin hilarious because we are the most fractured infighting plagued ideologues on the planet. But that's mostly because we know capitalism has run out of solutions to problems like food insecurity when we have a surplus in production and yet people still starve.

We have enough empty investment properties to house every homeless person.

We know that most of the people in prison are not being rehabilitated merely punished.

We know that punishing people for harming nobody but themselves is illogical.

We know that universal health care is cheaper for all than private insurance companies inflating treatment costs.

What we don't know/can't agree on, is how to bring everyone around to the idea that we can solve these problems if we stop fucking each other over for the benefit of the capitalist class that gives zero fucks about borders or laws or you or me or anything but extracting as much labor value as possible.

Until we acknowledge the problems we can't start thinking of solutions.

We know that

holy shit DO YA?

Yes. It's an indisputable fact that human productivity has vastly outstripped population growth due to automation. The issues now lie in distribution, rather than supply/demand. Purely profit driven enterprises will always limit production/distribution rather than spend resources toward equitable distribution as the former is always more profitable than the latter. We already destroy crops that are in surplus because any charitable use naturally is more expensive than disposal. These are issues the free market simply cannot address.

How in the shit did you make an argument out of me doing the do ya bit. I said literally nothing and you've sperged out with obvious shit

& crop destruction is a governmental regulation when quotas are passed you chud. It's literally government intervention with subsidies to control the supply and demand which is something the retards a free market. Go blow Milton Friedman

Exactly; It is to control the supply, such as to not outstrip the demand, that in itself is an admission that the free market needs intervention.
The point I am making is that the current regulatory environment is built to perpetuate the capitalist economic model. Democracy is failing because of subservience to capital, not because of interference in capital.

I've read enough Friedman & Sowell to know these few graphs can completely alter your current opinions:

just try to debate them

If the opinion you were trying to alter was my assumption of your taste in erotic material, then yes I am pleasantly surprised.

Democracy is failing primarily because most people are comfortable idiots who lack the information, IQ and life experience to make good voting decisions. It's the left, by the way, that's currently pushing for prisoners, children, illegal immigrants, etc. to get voting rights, which would be catastrophic.

“I was only pretending to be interested in politics”.

Who is going to control the distribution?

The workers. Democracy must begin in the workplace with the means of production, which is how socialist economic theory arose, it's post-capitalism as much as it is anti-capitalism, we discarded the rule of monarchies (mostly) and this is the next step.

Workers? But you've already said automation is taking all their jobs


So there 100 workers in the warehouse, how are they distributing their goods to the country? Is there not some leader or group of people to make decisions? Do 100 men stand around a table map and just figure it out?

Like I understand the theory, I don't understand the actual implementation

It's retarded as fuck. The vast majority of people are incompetent and organizations should be based on hierarchies of competence.

Say 'we know that' again, stupid.

Food insecurity? How stupid can you be?

Anyone who thinks the homelessness problem is due to lack of housing has little experience dealing with the homeless.

Fuck me, there's enough spare couches from do-gooders to keep everyone off the street forever.

Imagine thinking the screaming homeless junkie in rags was simply priced out of the market

Nice article, faggot. Go back to your containment zone.

When “eIgHtEeN yEaR oLd” is used as an insult.

It is an insult, 18 year olds are retarded.

No you're just a fucking faggot whose going to easily lose another election. You cucks think you're the morally sound humans on this planet but you're not. I would fuck your girl while wearing my maga hat and you would cheer me on, pussy.


Get back on meth and wellbutrin. You deserve the good stuff.

If you take them together they dampen each other.

Anyway that was directed at crushed_lotus, not you, who thinks CTH came up with “chud”, when it was the title of a fucking low-budget 80s horror movie that they adopted for irony and “clever reference” points. I simply fat fingered the wrong reply in my Asperger-rage. Sincere apologies.

I'm sorry too. Good luck on the substance issues.


I do love the wang, that's for sure.


Do you ask why a bird flies or why a fish swims?

No but this isn't normal behavior. Statistically speaking you can't disagree. If I saw two male deers fucking I'd ask them why. And don't give me this meetcats are gay horseshit - 0.0001% of all animal species "exhibiting homosexual behavior" like the snake who mimics female hormones to stay warm is a far cry from getting molested, not getting therapy if you need, then putting on asschaps and an earring to go dancing in West Hollywood.

Lol no straight person would devote this much mental energy on the subject of homosexuality. Get some help.

>LOL I'm going to redirect the conversation because I am about to have a mental breakdown realizing what's happened to me

Nope. My mental breakdown happened years ago when I was still trying to convince myself and others that I was straight. Things started to improve once I stopped trying to lie to myself and stopped worrying about what others thought.

As a matter of fact you remind me a little of myself, circa 2011. Just wanted to let you know it gets better.

Haha projecting faggot... literally.

And even worse - a communist. Someone break this dipshits fingers so he can't "y'all" anymore


^ typed that with my hog. A little test run in the unfortunate event I actually do lose my fingers. Made my mechanical keyboard a little sticky with Cowper's fluid, but nothing little degreaser can't fix.

Pics or it didn't happen

Ah denial. That's the first stage my friend.

attack the argument, not the character, child.

Uh ohh somebody is on to you...."y’all are upvoting a chud "



I hate these faggots

Sorry y'all don't like us, y'all


Dude, be cool. I don't know if this sub can hang with Chapo's ironic humor. We don't want to provoke them.

you got upvoted bc it seems like an obvious joke lmao

Shut up, faggot.

Hahaha. Relax, bro.

Hahaha. Relax, bro.

Hahaha. Relax, bro.

Kill yourself chud

Eat shit beaner.

Genocide mayos

Fine with me as long as they're leftists.

Nope, all of em

Not gonna happen, no matter how many eggs your 60 cousins drop here.

You better get bigger dicks then

Don't see too many Mexican porn stars. Too short. Lotta whites though.

Shouldn’t you be fucking a sibling at a klan rally?

Dude, Hispanics are notorious kid diddlers.

Be honest though: A sentiment like this or something similar actually, when you get down to it, is something many people who think like Chapo fans do would have to ultimately agree with.

Even if we are on the same team, your punctuation is brother joe level bad.

How so?

I don't want to think he knows how use a semicolon but we'll see.

Yeah, google is telling me I goofed on that one

No. The reason he's "fitting in" is because it comes of as a mockery of what right-wingers think leftists believe.

Oh please, child. There is common sentiment on the left that Whites are guilty of much rapine and pillage and that, ultimately, the influx into their lands and their eventual displacement is justified and indeed a moral good. Why do you people insist on denying this? How many articles have been written expressing, essentially, that very same idea?

I've never heard of any leftist who honestly believes that whites "deserve" to be displaced, I've only seen this sentiment from right-wingers strawmanning leftist arguments.

I most certainly don't support white genocide. I just like to say that I do to stir up the MAGA hornet nest. Triggering the cons, if you will.

I mean yeah, but the whole idea for leftists is that "white genocide" is based on false pretenses and is not actually happening, so saying you "support" it is a joke actually works.

I didn't use the word 'deserve' because most of the left -- aside from Tim Wise -- avoids using that language because it gives the game away. But tell me this: Do you think white people have a right to maintain their demographic majority if they choose to?

I think your entire argument is based on false pretenses. White people don't have a right to maintain a demographic majority because the entire idea of race is completely arbitrary. "White" is a demographic because people just generally agree it is, and so does the government (at least in America). White people have no connected culture or anything because white people come from many different backgrounds. So let's apply this argument to a place like Germany, for example, which is made up of Germans. Do ethnic Germans have a right to maintain their majority? Well again the argument is based on false pretenses. It's not about rights. Sharing an ethnicity with people from a certain area within a certain time frame (all humans came from some area in Africa but I'm sure you've heard this before) doesn't really mean anything. If someone who is ethnically from Pakistan is born in Germany, grows up speaking German and engaging in German culture, why would it matter if they did or didn't make up the majority one day? And even if they didn't, they wouldn't get very far, considering they would assimilate within a few generations. Also Muslim population in Europe will rise to only about 10% by 2050 (only if we can extrapolate current data trends over a long period of time, which basically never works out).

Arbitrariness isn't necessarily a disclaimer. Just because something is arbitrary doesn't mean it doesn't have validity. I'm also highly skeptical when it comes to this deconstruction of White identity. I never hear people who repeat these ideas try to deconstruct 'Black' identity. You only use it as a way to tell people of European origin that they have no identity. Why is that?

If someone who is ethnically from Pakistan is born in Germany, grows up speaking German and engaging in German culture

Does a White wigger who adopts the language and culture suddenly magically become a different ethnicity or race? This is just silly

And even if they didn't, they wouldn't get very far, considering they would assimilate within a few generations.

Also actually 2nd and third generation Muslims in Europe are often much more disenchanted and unassimilated than their ancestors. There's more to assimilation than speaking the language. I don't become Russian just by being able to speak Russian.

Also Muslim population in Europe will rise to only about 10%

Great. I'm so glad. There will only be tens of millions of Muslims in Europe. That won't be a problem at all.

Because there is a black identity. After years of being categorized as black, placed in similar areas and what not, black people have developed their own culture in America.

Does a White wigger who adopts the language and culture suddenly magically become a different ethnicity or race? This is just silly

I never said anyone becomes a different ethnicity or race...? And black people aren't a country my guy

Also actually 2nd and third generation Muslims in Europe are often much more disenchanted and unassimilated than their ancestors.

Because of people treating them differently

There's more to assimilation than speaking the language.

Never said there wasn't.

Great. I'm so glad. There will only be tens of millions of Muslims in Europe. That won't be a problem at all. What a relief.

Don't know if you saw where I said if we were to extrapolate current data trends. Also this isn't an argument?

People have been classified as 'White' for hundreds of years in America. 'White' culture is whatever White people do. To say they have no culture is nonsensical. Black culture in America is in no way uniform -- much like White culture in America. That, in no way, means it doesn't exist. You seem to imply that Black culture in America is a unified thing which is just not the case. This is why I have such misgivings about your analysis. You only seek to deconstruct White identity while giving other identities complete legitimacy. This is because, essentially, your worldview is Anti-White.

I never said anyone becomes a different ethnicity or race...?

Yes you did! You implied that assimilated Muslims from Pakistan can become German by speaking the language.

Because of people treating them differently

They are different.

Of course black culture isn't monolithic, but it definitely has much more uniform than if you were to count "whatever white people do." White people make up much more of the population than black people, and have no uniformity in America. Me and my white friends all come from completely different backgrounds and hardly share any sort of "culture," while quite a few of my black friends share much more similar experiences in their lives, despite living in different areas.

This is because, essentially, your worldview is Anti-White.

I want to deconstruct the idea of race in general honestly, but it's so ingrained in everyone's heads, here we are talking about it.

assimilated Muslims from Pakistan can become German by speaking the language and simply living on German soil for

and by living on German soil they would learn German customs, etc

They are different

Why do they deserve to be treated differently? Also how are they different in your view?

but it definitely has much more uniform than if you were to count "whatever white people do."

Does it? How do you quantify that?

White people make up much more of the population than black people, and have no uniformity in America.

Ibiid. How do you actually know this?

Me and my white friends all come from completely different backgrounds and hardly share any sort of "culture,"

Me and my white friends all share a very similar culture. Just arguing from personal experience is worthless.

while quite a few of my black friends share much more similar experiences in their lives, despite living in different areas.

Yeah right.

I want to deconstruct the idea of race in general honestly,

Oh stop lying to yourself. You only want to deconstruct White identity while, at the same time, passionately seeking to buttress black identity. You're just another self-hating white person who fetishizes black culture. Just be honest.

and by living on German soil they would learn German customs, etc

No they don't. They live in enclaves. 2nd and 3rd generation Turks, for instance, still identify with their Turk heritage as opposed to their German one. This experiment has failed.

Why do they deserve to be treated differently? Also how are they different in your view?

They are different by their own definition of their identity. It has nothing to do with me.

Does it? How do you quantify that?

Shared experiences, basically everyone coming from the same background (families being brought over as slaves, etc)

Ibiid. How do you actually know this?

Again. "White people" are all sorts of different people from different countries.

Me and my white friends all share a very similar culture. Just arguing from personal experience is worthless

That's cool, not everyone's do.

Oh stop lying to yourself.

Dude, I don't know why you keep pivoting towards conspiracy nonsense, I'm telling you my opinions and you're injecting your own initial biases into the things I'm saying. I don't want to deconstruct "white identity" because there's nothing there to deconstruct. The only thing holding us together is skin color, not even similar backgrounds.

They live in enclaves.

Lots of different reasons for that such as people not being accepting of them, Turks having a strong national identity compared to other countries, etc. These people still contribute to German society though, so what's the issue?

They are different by their own definition of their identity. It has nothing to do with me.

Ok, then why do they deserve different treatment?

The man you're debating is much more intelligent and knowledgeable than you. You need to tell him he won and you lost.

Post-Modernism will ultimately fail because it ignores natural truths, one of which being that ethnicity is the basis of culture. “German Culture” (or French, British, American, Dutch etc.) is precisely what it is because of the common traditions, history and myths of Whites. It’s their story and their commonality.

If you start handing out passports to anyone who speaks German, German Culture as we now know it starts to perish. In its place will emerge a different culture, one that belongs to everyone and noone, not a German Culture per se, but a culture located largely within the imagined boundaries of the Federal Republic of Germany. It’s a culture of migratory individuals without any identity beyond what they wear, what they watch and listen to, and where they came from in the past. The Globalist Dream, with your help.

The problem: this transformative process doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It sows deep resentment and discontent among the original population. Everyone is still playing nice, but what happens when the economy goes tits up and Whites start losing their jobs and homes?

This is all incredibly subjective. German culture is not the same it was 80 years ago. Cultures change. They don't perish. Also, how uninteresting is life for someone that they have to cling to an identity, identifying with people they're probably not even related to, with accomplishments that they never achieved themselves.

Your last point doesn't make sense considering it doesn't happen. Economists agree that immigration is good for economies. More people in the work force, diversification of backgrounds means more diverse ideas, etc.

There is a common sentiment on the left that Whites are guilty of much rapine and pillage and that, ultimately, the influx into their lands of brown people

their lands

buddy, we're taking what belongs to us. White people are on our lands

Whites are clearly the object being acted upon in that sentence and it is clearly a statement that it is 'their' lands that are being swamped by brown people. Learn to read, stupid.

I understood what you wrote, I'm telling you that it's wrong. There are no lands belonging to white "people".

Oh, got you. You're insane. Forgive my mistake.

Enjoy your hugbox. Facts don't care about your feelings

It's not a hugbox. I've been debating, in good nature, another one of you fags in this very thread. I like debate. Your opinion is just insane and I don't have the time to go through it all. If you'd like to put it intelligently then maybe I would but all you've said is some insane leftist babble about how there 'are no lands belonging to white people'. That's insanity -- and you didn't even provide an explanation as to why you're so insane.

Feel free to.

It's not a hugbox

There is nothing insane about common sense. This isn't a "debate," I'm right, and you are wrong.

This isn't a "debate," I'm right, and you are wrong.

You're really good at this debate thing.

There are no lands belonging to white "people".

LOL, try to take them back and see what happens you mongrel.

I wish more brown people were as open and direct as you.

Blood and Soil is deeply ingrained in Whites, but most are afraid to embrace it for fear of what it would unleash. But Whites need to see the invader’s gleeful arrogance to realize no compromise is possible. It never was and it never will be.

Then they’ll realize that White Nationalism is nothing to be ashamed of, it’s simply self-defense.


what a hero and warrior you are

I've been to Mexico 5 times, dad lived there for 12 years. Most of these faggots have either never been to Mexico, or sat on a beach in Cancun for a week and were smiled at by big bellied dudes selling shitty jewellery. Mexico for the most part is a complete shithole with people who still act like being colonized by the Spaniards is a relevant thing to be upset about.

Sounds like the good life.

Wait til you hear how bad white people are

So wonderful a country that they flee here in the millions. Beautiful land of poisoned water, decapitations, and 12-year-old prostitutes.

We really had the right idea of what to do with our natives instead of mixing with them.

Its a superobvious joke nerd lmao

Check out the fucking nerd who doesn't know he's a nerd.

I like how they call people neckbeards when their own hosts are that

Bro we upvoted because we thought it was a joke lol. Legit everyone on r/CTH is as white as mayo, so the mayocide jokes are just that, jokes.

But whatever man, keep being a snowflake if it fits your narrative.

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The instinct to voluntarily and gleefully destroy your own culture and people is so bizarre. Some cultures have given themselves self-inflicted wounds in the past by mistake but as far as I know they've never done it like this.

Bunch of nerds who dress like lesbians so black guys won't pick on them.

I don't understand the logic behind the statement about Mexicans replacing Whites.