Nick has gone full-blown cuckservative

3  2019-05-04 by mrwhite9292


He's a comedian and you're a faggot. He's telling jokes and you're sucking dick. I side with Nick.

The amount of dicks I suck have nothing to do with this.

I don't trust men who don't suck dicks, keep on truckin', brothaman.

oof, bad take

Do ya?

I still like Nick.

I like Nick but his podcast stinks. His joke about Kim Kardashian's pap smear is perfect

Wow i haven't watched Nick's standup before but even from this short clip you can see what Jim copied from him. At 0:42 seconds you can see the exact face Jim makes in between the setup and the punchline for a lot of his jokes.

Honestly, Jim would tell you if he took the shape of whatever glass you pour him in. Genuinely. He would. Plus he doesn't listen to any other comedian, ever, because he doesn't want it to 'influence' him. Influence him to steal jokes and an entire persona.

That was actually pretty funny. I hope the whole special isn't political though

I’m going to guess that it is all political, sad to say.

Nick should have had kids.

That Jew joke was fucking awful

Nick dresses like a middle school teacher.


I always knew the higher you raise your shoulders the funnier the punchline would be

That's why DeRosa never had a funny punchline.

i think rogan sold him on TRT, or whatever joe is really talking about when he says TRT

What the fuck is TRT

testosterone replacement therapy, basically straight up roids if you have the right doctor

used to like nick way back when

Why? We're you gay back then?

He was great. And a pretty good actor too.

Looks like he's getting his "Ha ha I'm square ain't I silly but no I'm serious jk" Gavin McGinnes shwag on.

He did that about 20 years ago.

At least he's releasing it for free instead of globaling us out of money like Vos and his roast

Only because nobody would pay to see it.

Because it’s so DANGEROUS!

He goes on and on about how great Israel is and its for the most boomer reason ever.



Which sucks because there's a clip floating around where he actually has a go at Jews and talks about liking Jared Taylor. These fucking boomers, man.

Like Jimmy, he went on some USO tours 15 years ago and bought the company line.

Israel is the only democracy in the middle east. Say what you will about it, but it's by far the most stable country in the region.

No its NOT the only democracy in the middle east, and nor is it stable. And nor does it promote stability. It causes mayhem in the region, is constantly encroaching in its neighbors and uses the money given to it by western politicians to then.... corrupt said western political systems through their intelligence services.

Ok, so name another democracy in the middle east.

Iran, Iraq and more recently Syria - although they've only had one election.

However, the regime in Israel, and Netanyahu has held power for far longer than the majority of the despots in the area. Not that Democracy is exactly this amazing thing, or a sign of a "good" country, anyway. The worlds largest democracy is currently spitting hellfire on all of these states. Burning the ground then asking "WHY DONT YOU ALLOW FAIR ELECTIONS". The truth is that the US will favor anything or any sort of regime which aligns with its interests. Both the UK and US are also loyal to the House of Saud, although they have a harder time infiltrating out politics because they look like what they are.

who cares, let all those retards bomb the fuck out of each other and let's keep our money

Did the person that made this trailer not realize putting dangerous and honest in quotes makes it look like they’re saying it’s neither of those things?

What happened to his fucking neck?