gregg "opie" hughes once sucked the intestines out of a childs asshole like spaghetti

0  2019-05-03 by ichise8

his nickname for a while was "spaghetti spuds"


this has been 100% confirmed, folks

Question: Is this because Opie enjoys the intestine themselves, or is it because he enjoys the delicious poopy filling within the intestine... for example, I enjoy a good Reese's cup every now and again, but really only for the delicious peanut butter filling. If it were up to me, I would eat around the chocolate, but that's basically impossible because the p-butter is entombed within the chocolate.

much like your dilemma with peanut butter cups, the opester is really going for the shit stuffing. it is essentially an eclair for the opester. a feclair, one might say.

hes gotta be stopped, folks

Wow. Sounds like this has been 100% confirmed. Can't believe I used to only hate Opie for his neediness, his attention seeking behaviors, his inability to hold a conversation, his utter lack of humor, his constant interruptions, his milky man tits, his endless rambling stories that went nowhere, his embarrassing tantrums, his womanlike sensitivity, his stupid hair and his obsessive need for a viral video. I still hate him for those things, but now I also hate him because he eats child doody and sucks out there intestines. Bad (or sick) guy.

You’re carrying on conversations with yourself now? This is reaching Anthony Cumia levels of pathetic.

Do you know that you're retarded? Or are you one of those retards who's so retarded you're not self aware enough to know you're a retard?

This bit would have been such a hit not so long ago. Now it just feels corny and outdated. Stop reminding me you exist /u/ichise8.

the truth is timeless, pal.

nice try wit da hate tho

No drawing, no interest.

Still love you, though.