All music is shit. Change my mind.

0  2019-05-03 by MasterPwned


Learn to dance, faggot.

Dancing is just martial arts for homosexuals, faggot.

You're both right

You may enjoy music and your new found homosexuality a little better/easier to deal with if you are doing the mambo or say the watusi.

An experienced practitioner of faggotry like yourself would know best I guess, but I think I'll pass.

Martial arts is for people who want homosexual contact, but don't want to leave the closet

Nope I agree all music is plays the brown note

Mind changed.

Top comment is from here.

Joe is an obvious acceptation.

This comment briefly suppressed my depression.

Try this out. But only if you give it the full 25 minutes. Or stick with 3 chord baby music. This is also pretty good,, as far as 3 chord baby music goes.

Oh god you’re actually serious

This is probably more your speed my friend. I know complex beauty is difficult.


It's nice, but why would you be so smug about passively sitting there and listening to something like that?

Because I'm smug.

Quality at its finest.

This instantaneously gave me a headache at the back right of my skull. I presume that's the cancer growing.

If that tickled your fancy go ahead and youtube "Lemme Smell Yo Dick". Top notch.

I hate people that say “change my mind”.

So do I.

You know it's a shit movie when this song comes up

Queens of the Stone Age are pretty fucking good.

This guy wrote a song about the worm and Nana