Has ants show been going on this whole time?

27  2019-05-03 by Fredrock26

I dont know who patrick tomlinson is but the subs been so focused on him i forgot ant existed, hes so obscure he doesnt even come up in the o and a reddit


He did a thing on Twitch last weekend and it was literally only people from here commenting.

His hands do a twitch when he has to go a half hour without Xanax or alcohol.

I couldn't agree more, guy who has a very similar name to mine

Can you fucking believe MrStealYoVape was already taken?

Just waiting for that studio in the city to open .. I heard jimmy will be in everyday

"I noticed he said he can bench press 250 , im willing to put up at least 20$ if anyone wants to fundraise for an official challenge/humiliation , no way he can even get 225"

-Dumb faggot who never heard of Patrick

I'm putting 20 on his sister

20lbs of cum I hope

I only got 6 oz

your sisters ass

It's pretty flabby. I wouldn't recommend it.

I can only imagine

I honestly have no idea what's going on on any of their shows. This place has more in common with the high points and humor of the show than any of that shit.

The fact I know this sub is on it’s last legs is anyone associated with the old show who is currently doing new shows are so atrocious no one hear listens to them. If someone would brave listening to Opie’s podcast, TACS or Jim and Sam and posted it here we would have material to goof on. But somehow a pudgy sci fi author has become the sole focus. Frankly, I’m not sure anyone here used to listen to the show. It’s all refugees from MDE, cringeanarchy and coontown.

we would have material to goof on.

Would we? All of these shows are just boring, monotonous heritage acts these days. They're either doing safe content or "Hey, remember this?" Minus the periodic meltdown on TACS, hey haven't been interesting enough to make fun of since the Opie & Jim days.

This is my point. Their shows are so boring and irrelevant no one listens to them. I'm sure once in awhile something would come up on any three of the shows that would make for decent fodder for the sub to goof on but no one can sit through hours of bad audio to find it.

someone should make a compilation video just of all the periodic TACS breakdowns & twitter rants

Who's Ant? Adam Ant has a show?