Has anyone let Kuhn know we moved to a new subreddit?

24  2019-05-03 by Officer_McGrady


He really needs to get an update on the latest. Even though he killed his infant son trying to escape capture for a shameful petty crime, I still feel a kinship with him.

Sometimes I wonder how he's doing.

nothing petty about a vizio soundbar. that thing would've had his living room thumping.

I hope he meets Cosby in the joint and turns his life around before his early release in a few years. Dude could rock a TedTalk if he played his cards right

"How Bill Cosby taught me to pull my pants up" by Chris Kuhn.

Cosby would have hated Qadan for his name alone. “You did the right thing, young brother.”

They'll be called XirTalks by that point

Look for a clean, positive hip hop album hitting record store shelves in late 2027.

"Tf?! u sayin Joe is a reg poster now nigga?? Smh 🤣😤"

  • prisoner #383491

I was thinking, we need to make a subreddit that will never be taken down, to tag him in a bunch of posts with all the artwork and stuff made about him. Then when he's released, he won't miss out on anything if this sub is removed by then.

How long is he in for?

8.5 years minimum

But it'd be like, 7.5 years now.

He got off pretty good

I'm not a nigger so I don't need to know this stuff, but does he spend the full 8.5 yr sentence in prison? Can he get released even earlier for good behavior? (I can't even type it without chuckling, but on the off-chance he does I'd like to know)

Can someone with a printer mail him the shit

I'm surprised nobody wrote him a letter. It would be funny if we sent him printed out reddit posts.

Do we have a positive address? All I remember is people joking about him being in prison with Cosby. If some autist provides the address, I’ll send Kuhn a letter.

Does anyone know the date he gets out? We should make a point of having all of the artwork dedicated to him on our front page on the day of his release.

Wow, that’s an exorbitant amount of time for killing a quadroon.

It was mostly for hitting another car when running the red light. There was a white girl inside and she fractured her wrist.

Jesus Christ, I never knew the whole story. Fucking media bias.

The ultimate would be if Kuhn would start writing letters to Patrick from the joint.

Kuhn is more worried about his violently gay cellmate who misses his kid, and has to sit in the room with a babykiller.

I don't think he cares about Patricks micro penis or SpaceEdges crooked assed fucking eyes.

I think you'd be surprised. I bet when he's getting buttfucked he occasionally zones out scrubs style and imagines what's going on here.

Being incarcerated for nearly the remainder of his natural life is probably also a concern that is of high priority

and also the dead child and broken Visio soundbar

"But what happened to the sound bar?"

I know how to make a "kite" in order to pass messages/contraband to others while in prison. Ive seen like 3 seasons of Oz, so I'd be happy to be of any assistance if you need me.