Imagine having both Patrick's level of material, and SpaceEdge's silly eye.

72  2019-05-03 by nomadiqqq2


I wonder how much that 59-year-old hack spends on hair dye

Probably not as much as he spends on weeeeeeed man

another faggot who can't shut up about the fact that he smokes pot, thinks it makes him cool and relevant

Imagine not smoking until you’re middle aged and then dedicating your life to it. Average people quit smoking at an age younger than Doug first tried it.

Thanks college kids for giving this man a career in pot smoking

2006 was a pretty wild time. Bushwick was still dangerous, my teacher kept telling my to put the gameboy away (lol I said nigga this is a PHONE), and you could still be put in handcuffs for having a dub on ya

A nigger! Look, there's a nigger!

Good bot

The best bot

good bot

Good bot.

Good bot

Good bot

Dude, he smokes weed, didn't you know? He's like a really cool bro.


Nice bowl-full-of-jelly head, stupid.

If you're entire personality revolves around you smoking, you should probably put a shotgun in your mouth.

And smoke weed through it.


One final blaze of glory, if you will.

About as edgy in 2019 as a queer coming out in San Francisco, or that one guy who got chewed out by Noam Macdonald for telling a anti-Christian / Harry Potter joke.