It's not about pretending to be an addict. It's that Jimmy NEEDS to believe he can identify and overcome addiction.

28  2019-05-02 by Homerun_Chippah

So long as he can tell himself that he overcame being addicted to drugs and alcohol he can convince himself that his actual addictions aren't addictions. That's why he jumps all over being able to talk about being a recovering addict whenever there is even a fucking whiff of the topic. He needs to reinforce the lie he has been telling himself for decades.


The worm is a fucking 50 year old "man" that can't tear himself away from his phone, hires hookers regularly, and in those quiet moments where he is apart from either of those little distractions - he edges for hours on end.


Yup, no addictive behavior to correct there! He'd tell you if there was, genuinely. He's a recovering addict, so he'd know if he was addicted to something, stupid.


The addiction gives him an identity in a man that has no true identity. He steals his mannerisms and styles from others (despite him claiming that he seriously does not listen to other comics). He is what Patrice said of him - he turns into whatever shape of the vessel he is put in.

He’s an alcoholic faggot that gets drunk on dick.

It’s his participation trophy. “ I beat addiction!” Hey stupid you were never even addicted but here’s your 30 day coin retard!