Jim Norton's Father: FAGGOT MAKER

72  2019-05-01 by PelicanWhoFuckHorse


That's like saying, "we need air to breath, change my mind".

Sign looks Photoshopped.

My father had a very masculine army haircut and a man's face. I look like sinead O'Connor!

You ever make out with somebody who had bad breathe or chapped lips?

Bastard child of Sinead O'Connor and Uncle Fester! Pryor if you're watching I love your stuff man

"You know those people with perpetually chapped lips?"

Collin: "No!"

Looking into the mirror going "what's funny about the mouth? I'm going to write about the mouth today!"

This might not necessarily be true. Doesn't Jim have a sister he never talks about?

So technically Mr Norton is responsible for two children who love cocks..

Jim doesn't talk about his family neither his family talks about him.

Sounds very healthy. He should have an advice show.

Chowder with Crowder.

I shan’t.

Takes one to know one, Crowder