How you can expect any debate to go with Patrick S. Tomlinson.

36  2019-05-01 by Officer_McGrady

Well I wouldn't really call it a debate considering fat boy can't argue anything he hasn't spent months going over and over and over in his head, but nonetheless here is how it always goes:

Patrick the Faggot: "This is what I think about this thing!"

Normal person: "Hey man, I think you may be wrong about that. Here's some stats and studies I found that back me up"

Patrick the Faggot: "Whatever you say, honey sweety sugar child, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a NAZI, little one."

I genuinely hate him more than anyone in the O&A universe and it's not even close.


In a world with more relaxed assault laws someone like Fatrick would never open his mouth again.

Hips and rhetoric of a woman.

I hate him more than my dads heart.

Hopefully you can go two for two.

Wish Fatrick knew how to quit as well.

That's terrible, I'm sorry.

Oh yeah well guess what? You're getting blocked child.

Awwwwwwww shit sweet summer child!

That's why I stick to attacking his fragile beliefs, if you can even call them beliefs over his ex wife and insurance schemes. There is plenty of proof that he has no idea what he says. There are Tweets with hundreds of likes from SJW who called him out for not being mature enough to answer Ben Shapiro's criticism of his "thought experiment".

Patrick creates a bubble for himself and has a pathological way of putting out shit.

  1. Make an uneducated statement about something as complicated as abortion
  2. Collect a following of idiots
  3. Block and insult anyone who disagrees
  4. Rinse and repeat

He's created a world on social media where he never needs to respond to criticism, no matter how genuine. When I saw him block a combat veteran school teacher of constitutional law instead of explain which constitutional amendment Trump violated that demanded impeachment, I knew that was his biggest weakness.

If anyone continues to respond to him on reddit or Instagram, don't bother with his social or personal shortcomings. Challenge him on his elementary knowledge of politics and the world.

That's all well and good, but I'm still gonna call him a child-predator faggot if that's okay.

Wrong, little one.

He is autistic and boring, the worst combination

Whenever you address him, he picks out the stuff that’s easy to answer and leaves all the really good questions on the table. He did it to me. I repeated. He again left the real meaty questions alone, threw out some clichés and platitudes and childs - we had this exchange three or four times and then I just felt sorry for him and gave up. And it was like I told him, I was trying to help him but there was nothing else I could do. I had a private exchange with another member of this sub, who was surprised to find out that my story about Patrick is actually true. Patrick would have gained quite a bit in listening to that story, of the opportunity I know he lost, but he would have none of it. I’m literally trying to help him and he’s plugging his ears. He’s lost.

Idk I'd rather read all his books than hear 5 seconds of Sandy Kane.