Hanson is live and has less than 100 people.

8  2019-05-01 by aRTie02150


If you spot anything funny, share.

Man he is not looking well

He's aged like a honeydew melon 🍈

These losers are actually donating money to this clown.

Why do we hate Chris now? His shows are funnier than most comedy shit out there.

I don't speak for everybody but the guy is a scumbag. He's really good at balancing his checkbook though.

He's become quite the grifter in recent times. Such cunning should be reserved for the Cumia's he entraps.

Guess I haven't paid that close attention. I just watch his clips when he's caught another Compound Media subscriber.

One more now. I'll always support that pedo humiliating hero.

He's putting up those compound media numbers

Nice audio levels, stupid.

needs more blown out trebble sound


I legit thought OP was linking a Hanson concert.

I bet he's the secret pedophile when it's all said and done.

We need to get him to investigate Patso.