Homo Joe Cumia is a better father than Fat Pat Tomlinson.

8  2019-05-01 by Jim-sucks-shit

How pathetic is that?


He’s going to think this is the sub “warming up” to him now...

He's too stupid to understand that the point is that it's incredible and near unbelievable that someone could be a worse father than him.

Joe got so close to turning some people around here to his side when he said he talked to Patrick and he took that phone call....and then went back to acting like his usual stupid, unfunny, bloviating dumbass self.

He really is an orotund fool

joe is also better at making up stories

I'm not sure about that, did Patrick try giving Adrienne's daughter an iPad?

I've never heard him deny it so I can only assume that yes he has.

He is also at least 6'1"

Here’s an idea. Don’t be so transparent in your attempt to get under the skin of your intended victim(s) It’s too obvious and it’s just not working.

Here’s why: Joe and Pat both know what kind of Fathers and providers they are. No amount of cross chattering babble will ever change the perception of their Fathering abilities with anyone who matters. Why would you think it could have any effect on anything other than your collective mood? You’re growing more desperate by the day to get a reaction. All you’re getting from them at this point is an eye roll, a head shake and a knowing “pffft, heh!”. You’ve been rendered 100% ineffective.

Type more words.

So you and Pat are the same?

Fathering? Most definitely not. The point is that they’re both in the position of having deeply personal barbs (assumed by most users to be highly offensive accusations) hurled at them in the hopes that they’ll get angry.