"Listen child, it was never about the rights of women, I'm pro-choice because it's my right to keep the negro populations in check" - Patrick S Tomlinson

63  2019-05-01 by JoeySkeetSauce

I would post the vid as proof but it will just get DMCAd, as does anything that exposes this blackface and proud antifat pat fraud.


Fat and bratwurstpilled.

That's in line with what Planned Parenthood was originally established for; obsolescence of antique farm equipment.

Only a race of completely moronic jungletards could be convinced that white lady who spoke to the KKK, talked about selective breeding, eugenics, forced sterilization, etc. Had their best interests in mind when they said kill all your babies.

If we're talking about Sanger she was opposed to abortion for much of her life and instead pushed for contraception. She was all in on the eugenics bit though so at least she was funny.

Black women don't get abortions. Watch Maury sometime.

Those are the ones who didn't.

35-40% of all abortions are black. Which is fine by me and anybody else who wants a quiet movie theater, but how stupid of a race do you have to be to not put 2 and 2 together.

I was totally gonna post a video exonerating Fatrick of such an accusation, but given his fierce protection of his own material, my hands are tied. SAD!

Patrick is really kicking himself in the foot with his antics

I’m so tired of having to listen to this monster’s racist rants.
