Patrick still thinks he fathered Adrienne's daughter. Oh sweet summer child

28  2019-04-30 by SomervilleDan


What a stupid lie to hold onto. If that were true, then he either lost all custody or signed over his parental rights, both of which are significantly worse than just "she cheated on me and got pregnant". This is all 100% so he can get "awwww" comments from his housewife followers when he makes some shitty cryptic post about "his daughter".

'That's a Trump pace'

WTF does this have to do with Trump, child

Maybe "fathered" is his nick name for molesting? I dunno,just spitballin'.

Emily,what's your take? Wait, thats right, I can't see it cause you're in blocktown USA.

"A Trump pace" what a fucking hack

So he IS a father, IS a comedian, ISNT by any generous stretch of the imagination a writer

And ISNT a fucking pedofile, meaning he only masturbates to children. Terrible

He just admitted to pedophilia. Sick guy!

Thank God that woman escaped this child grooming monster.

Trump pace? You mean like your guys who undeniably lied to the American people every night for two years straight?

So if you had accused him of being as fat as the moon, he would’ve told you that he was a lot smaller than the moon because he takes taunts literally?

/u/SmellyNig could very well be lying here (you know how those people are), but why does Patrick still feel the need to defend against online haters? Ya know Pat, a wise man once said, "Leave it alone."


I think SmellyNig makes a compelling argument