When the old sub was still up that fat junkie mod was deleting everything related to that fat failure of a sci-fi author but this stayed up because he was too fucking retarded to understand it.

108  2019-04-30 by Jim-sucks-shit


Captain The Other Guy From Bosom Buddies Not Yao Ming Spinal Tumor ate my balls.

This is a simple but clever picture riddle.

I think it's technically a rebus.

Kind old uncle rebus

Yeah, rebus is the proper term, but we need to write in a way that Joe can understand.

He probably got the nods halfway through it.

Picard Hankslinson is a faggot?

I think that was the last post I upvoted at the old sub.

Nice melancholy, stupid.

I thought I saw space edge moderating in this one now too and posting yesterday but I was under the influence so maybe I dunno what's happening.

Pay attention to details. Look closer.

Ok well that's gayer than anything Patrick Anthony Joe or the real space edge ever did.

I don't get it so I'm going to watchange ntg on netflix and read a Patrick Tomlinson book.


How did the old sub get shut down? Who actually shit it down? Wtf happened

Jean Hankchinkson likes asparagus?