I've started archiving the front page daily, in case some anonymous pedarest/author gets the sub shut down

49  2019-04-30 by moleguy9k

Since our days are probably numbered here, and content from the old sub is hard to find without an old archive link or a screencap (unless you want to dig through pushshit.io), I wrote a script that makes a daily archive of the front page of the new sub, and the top posts for the past 24 hours, So our autism from now until the sub is shut down is properly documented.

last front page archive: http://archive.vn/5f3AJ

100 top score posts past 24 hours: http://archive.vn/0ZLAO

100 top posts all time: http://archive.vn/95ViY

they all use the old.reddit link so they don't look like gay mobile shit and cut off comments.

Also have some front page archives from a few days ago while I was testing this. the next page button in the archive link wasn't working, so I made it show 100 posts on the front page instead of 25: http://archive.is/https://old.reddit.com/r/opienanthony/

You're welcome, faggots.


Thanks but I'm not dying to see 1 million Patrick is a faggot posts.

Fair enough. I just want to make sure future generations will also know that he is a faggot.

Do you think there’s a way they could fail to pick up on it?

Oh that comes to people intuitively

Awesome, can't wait to show this to my grandchildren some day.

If this place gets nuked the links in those archives won't work though.

I don't think reddit actually removes images for banned subs. I've looked at a few banned subs through pushshift's api and the image links still worked. now that image posting is allowed again though, it should archive each post on the top 100 list along with the image and comments. I guess I can also update it to make sure it archives the actual image link too.