Norm MacDonald isn't funny...

144  2019-04-30 by Alfred_Hitchcuck something a fat homosexual RAPIST who writes awful novels would say.


You son of a bitch, you got me!

Not gonna lie, he has us in the first half

You had me going for a second, you crazy nut!


Woah, bait and switch!!

i have yet to see a Rich Vos plug in the new forum

I saw this coming and it was still funny.


Leave it alone.

Genuinely clicked to find out where Vos was playing next. Jenga OP, ya got me.

You dirty dog!

Norm macdonald has a posse

Oddly specific but I tend to agree.

A fat hack certainly can sue for for slander, sir.

May your legs remain unbroken, OP. Mel bless

The dots let me know a big reveal was coming.

I said ya dirty dog!

The ol misdirection technique.


Quickest downvote to upvote I ever did. Clever boy there chippah

Came here ready to attack you.

My face sure is red!

More of a comment really.

The hypocrisy is the worst part.

Raping is bad?

Maybe the worst gimmick a comedian ever had.

So, raping is good?