Goodbye everyone. It’s been real. Lots of laughs were had by all. But I believe the time has come. Good luck to you in ur future endeavors

10  2019-04-30 by SibHashian13


Your moms box

It sucks that you're leaving, especially over something as minor as having to link pics instead of post them, but I'm not going to bash you for it. Hope maybe you'll come back if shit settles down here.

Buh bye

Shut up Joe. I'd trade a hundred of you for that guy and I don't even like that guy

Yeah, have a good one.

Dude, come over here or here. All images welcome (including instagram screenshots).

I can appreciate what you're doing, but people that like reddit are going to stay on reddit. Every sub that has trouble tries to move to voat, for several years now, and it never takes off. People do what they're used to.

That's not true though; it is not accurate that every sub that migrates don't take off. CringeAnarchy was recently banned and they're doing fine there.

It doesn't take long to establish an account and get rolling. Add content and the energy follows.

A smaller sub there is better than living under the fear of censorship here.

Well, more power to you I guess. I don't think it's censorship that some douchebag is filing DMCA's, we've had plenty other ways to mock fatass than posting pictures of him, I think we'll live if the admins take that one off the table.

I'll bookmark it just in case, though.

ur gay

You're providing patrick with sexual gratification by doing this

Only fags bail out

Ur right.