Hey Patrick. You said we have no lives. So why do you think this will end with the closure of one subreddit?

47  2019-04-30 by gregoryjingles

Dumb fatty


I don’t think anyone gives a shit. It’s not like it was even a year ago. You guys won’t crack 5k subs here. Next one, you’ll be lucky to have a couple thousand. Reddit takes down low to moderately populated shit-subs all the time. Opie and Anthony related subreddits have gone the way of yelling “Bababooey” during live news broadcasts. It’s no longer funny or entertaining. No one cares. You are being owned by a shitty author and a 6’1” “dumbass”. It’s over Johnny.


Those quotation marks are unnecessary.

Shut the fuck up you homo.

This sub is basically about getting a good chuckle now and then. If it's shutdown, nothing but the name will change. Just ignore it if you want out of its focus, Joe. That you don't do that makes it seem like you crave the attention. Enjoy your imaginary victory.

This place (or one just like it) forced you to deny being a pedophile on national TV. Underestimate it at your peril, fatty.

No one forced him to do that. He did that all on his own. Moron that he is.

Did you get my future cock holster to school on time today, fatty?


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Why did you subscribe to this sub and add to its user numbers then?

Well... a comedian huh, Private Joe-ker. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister. C'mon Joey, weez just havin some fun. Ya know.. breakin some ballsss

You’d think someone who creates so many alt accounts would understand the concept, then again you are a Cumia. The old sub didn’t have 27k active subscribers you dim witted fatbody.

I think you’re just jealous of all the attention this LIBTARD is getting and want it back. Also you’re probably mad that this fat sci-fi writer has actually managed to land a bigger blow than you or your slightly less dumb brother have managed in 4 years.

It's not even a foregone conclusion that this sub gets shut down. Oh no, we can't post his Instagram pics, that'll stop us from pestering him! Every time he digs his heels in, he's just making it worse.

Hes fucking stupid is why. He doesn't get reality, he's too smart for the room. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut and laugh, shit would've went away fast.. BUT NOOOOO... Fatrick Tublinson is gonna show everyone that he doesn't take this shit, he's not the one to fuck with. He spends his time responding to internet trolls, and making shit 10X worse for his fat little self. He's a fucking good target. Calls people "Child" and shit... he's in for the ride as long as he plays the game. He could get reddit banned altogether, and like bolts of lightning from the sky... he'd be continued to be fucked with. Its fucking high school dumbass. Just shut your fat mouth and take your beating. Otherwise, this shit can get biblical on your talentless ass.