Reddit admins are looking at this place trying to figure out what it is and what's going on

21  2019-04-30 by CoreyFeldog

Nice job, stupid.


Yeah well FUCK them

Fuck them? Hey, FUCK YOU, pal.

Welcome to the party, pal.

Good luck trying to figure it out. Serena will probably pop another kid out before that happens.

She prefers Nia. Easy confusion to make.

Although Mighty Joe Young is an acceptable general term if you forget the above.

Vurry good.

Even if they had someone familiar with the sub actively assisting them, this mess is unintelligible to an outsider.

If they are looking through, you know they've seen a few things that have genuinely made them laugh. That's all that matters.

moderating anything is fucking retarded.

It's a racist anti-pat group that shares pornography with one another

This is a harmless troll sub that has no effect on anyone's lives.