One night in space, in the year 2345, Firstname Lastname was feeding xis pet gilziachtrob while balorpenstop x'ed xir xar.

33  2019-04-30 by beigedocumentaryfan


Firstname had come to repossess a starship, but Evan Tanner had already flown it away to a financial windfall.

Evan Tanner, just quietly going about his or her business, not making a fuss, having a gender-neutral name but not making a big deal about it.

Ohhhh xed xir xar for a second l thought you said zir zar and I was like did this nigga really just misgender balorpenstop

I had the same experience. Would you like to cry and hug together for awhile until our emotions disperse? We could get brats and beer after. I have a lesbian motorcycle and I know how to lay it down child.

Very powerful

That's PFG!