Patso is on a replying tear tonight, children.

43  2019-04-30 by JoeCumiaDotCom


His thread in r/masstagger had under 100 comments then I went to get something for dinner and when I came back it was over 220 comments and he's replying minute-to-minute to people, child.


I can't tell pat from bot anymore. He's beyond parody

"You people are obsessed. I'm going to read everything you post on your sub and respond individually to all your comments to me and tell all my friends and family about you and keep records of everything you say and do. God, you are just so obsessed with me! "

There's more people following you here than on social media and you know it. You keep coming back here for a reason, because you need to be seen and we're the only ones looking.

In five years when fat fucking fatrick looks back at this time in his life he will cringe. and i will laugh. child

That would require the ability to adjust his mental framework. Not happening. He will never deviate from his programming. You wrong - Pat right. Beep boop. Poor motherfucker. He's going to deny himself so many things.

I tried having a real conversation with him in that thread, but he only reads selectively. It's like having a conversation with someone who only speaks part of the language. I'm going to leave him be, I came to a realization that broke my heart.

His pattern of thought was super familiar to me, that inability to alter course or re-evaluate a position or to even see things from another point of view. He decides what he thinks you mean and then doesn't deviate, you are literally wasting your words because he WILL NOT SEE what he doesn't want to see and will throw out anything that would cause discomfort or a disconnect. I realized that it reminded me of what we call "stubborn think" in our house, with our 7 year old boy who is autistic. NO I am not saying Pat is autistic, that's not the point. My kid is super bright, gets along with everyone, perfect grades, in mainstream school - but it takes a lot of work to overcome that stubborn think. You cannot untrack him once he's made up his mind. Even to the point that he can reconcile two disagreeing statements as if there were no contradiction, just to cling to his unwavering thought. Like how Pat literally calls himself fat and in the same breath says he isn't fat. That breaking of logic to not break his belief.

But, like I said, my boy is bright and popular and gets along with everyone in every group. So I started thinking about what would have to happen to him to turn him into someone who talks down to others, judges them by what he thinks they should do, think, say and believe, who looks down on people based on what he thinks they make, or how famous or wealthy he thinks they are. It would take a terrible trauma for my little boy to turn out like that, and I felt such sorrow for whatever must have happened to Pat as a little boy that I just wished him well and won't really ever address him anymore. I can't. I saw through, to the frightened little guy that's inside Patrick and it breaks my heart. I used to have mental issues similar to his and through therapy traced it back to childhood cancer and watching my best friend rot away himself and the survivor guilt I felt for beating my cancer. I changed. I don't think Patrick even sees the problem. I felt sorry for him, so I'm out.

I'm sure his response will be childish and stubborn and petulant and will not actually address anything I'm saying or will just be "I don't believe you" or accusations of lying (why the fuck would I risk outing my friend's identity just to - what - tease Patrick?) or some such of the same nonsense. He is blind, and I feel sorry for him. It's too real, his mental illness, to be funny anymore.

Anyway. Carry on. I'm too sad to laugh at this guy anymore.

I'll call him a fat narcissist faggot twice as often in your place.

Well, you’re just being prudent. That’s a good plan.

Good luck to your son. He has a good and caring Dad and I wish I had had that- it would have saved me a lot of grief. He’s gonna grow up safe and live a happy life because of you 😊

Now back to the topic at hand. I think you’re absolutely right that Pattycakes is a weak and hurt little man, but I have no such mercy in my heart for this obese baby and my personal goal is to take his IG, his blog, and tank sales his upcoming ripoff book. Not because it’s right, but because this scumbag deserves to be as unhappy as possible regardless of “why”.

I endured his withering results in that thread yesterday as well. He is fighting with absolutely no weapons and has zero wit or cleverness. Does it make me a bad person to see a what a weak, unarmed nothing I’m pummeling and still do it? Maybe, but it’s Patrick so nobody will blame me.

Thanks for your post. It made me think.

Thank you for the surprisingly kind words, it’s appreciated and unexpected, thank you. I hope I didn’t give the impression that I was telling everyone else that they should also leave him alone. Shit, as long as you guys aren’t doing anything illegal, it’s nobody’s business who you mock on line. This sub has mocked thousands of people, those people reacted like human beings, and the sub left them alone - sometimes immediately. This guy started thumping his chest and exposing himself as someone who’s actually a bad person in real life. He doesn’t understand why that’s worse. He’s mentally ill. So I am out, but you guys go do what you want. I am not going to cry over a complete lunatic being treated like the exact garbage he is. I tried to be civil with him. He reacted by cementing that everything we observed about him is true. Sad, really.

Instead of doing something productive he spends his nights replying to every person possible.

Hahaha what a faggot

This is really pathetic. Why not spend the time with your kid or enjoying double-shots of booze? That's way more productive and enjoyable.

I don't check the sub for less than 8 hours, and yet another shitstorm goes down. I'm strapped in

I'm strapped on