He is a heel striker and underpronator. Not an experienced runner and probably injury prone.

17  2019-04-29 by Ant_Sucks


Note: Though this picture is copyrighted, it is not owned by Porker Patty, but by MarathonFoto. It is re posted here for medical and educational purposes


Legs of a skinny man, body of a fat man. The hallmark of any repeated child rapist.

That's the face of a man whose body is wondering what the fuck he's trying to do to it

And where the closest cock is so he can get a drink.

If he got Prince Jvstin, aka Paul Wiener, to come here and file a claim, I'm sure he'll do the same with other photographers. Yeah, they may blow him off, but if they don't, that's another hit for us.

Reported within minutes.

It's not even hosted on this site so fuck him

I'm with you.

We're going to be very limited on material. I guess we can just take the head on post it on gay porn repeatedly.

I wonder how picky reddit is going to be. If a parody Twitter posts shit, and we link to the tweet, are they going to throw a shit-fit about that?

Abe, can you mods point out to the admins this clear abuse (under threat of perjury, as the form says) of the DMCA takedown process? It might get them off our backs if they realise this child isn't using it in good faith.

Good call, ese.

If he owns the pics that he's reporting, we're going to have a hard time proving abuse. We'd have to significantly alter them I think to get a pass. I think the photoshop of his face on a baby and the morbidly obese guy may be fair use, but the admins still took down a photoshop of his in bed with two guys, so I don't think they give a shit about fair use parody.

Sure, Fair Use is a tricky one to prove.

He doesn't own this pic though, and yet he's claimed he does.

I sent them a message. I feel like I could have worded it better and I came off like an idiot, but I got the message across.


I'm guessing that copyright strike warning you guys have pinned is automated; this should get some sort of human to look at the problem.

Here's hoping they aren't a fan of poorly-written overly-preachy scifi...

You can tell he moves in sections

I thought he was a broad-striker

this video is very effective and demonstrating how not to be a faggot

Hey Pat,

You know how that DMCA form you just filled out says:

I state that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Well, that's a problem, even if OP doesn't contest it. You run the risk of someone from here sending it to the opposition of any court case you end up in, and having it damage your credibility on the stand. To put it another way, any testimony you give won't be worth shit; any evidence you've gathered will be assumed to be fake unless proven beyond reasonable doubt - and that last bit is up to you. Doesn't have to be a case related to here, either - a minor car accident, assault charge, divorce - whatever.

You'll know it's happened if the lawyer asks you "have you ever committed perjury?"; remember to answer "yes" or you'll go down for the two-fer. God forbid the lawyer subpoenas Reddit for a list of content you've claimed you own and finds a second or third case...

Oh, and you should do a "wet floor" test and talk to a running shop about getting some stability-assisted shoes - that over-pronation can lead to plantar fasciitis, which is no joke.

There - discussion and commentary; Fair Use demonstrated.

Can someone photoshop Joker and Raptorman assisting him in the run?

Look at how underpronated! This elephant is going to snap his plantar tendons clomping around like that. I feel sad for the real runners that they have to tolerate this asshole soiling their event.

Over pronator? More like overChildpornator, (allegedly) right?