Patrick S. Tomlinson arrested by Milwaukee police this afternoon on suspicion of producing child pornography.

88  2019-04-29 by Officer_McGrady


Is this real?


I've not seen anything that leads me to believe it isn't. Which makes me think it probably is.

Way to well dressed to be PT.

Should be a medium t-shirt with that doughy XXL body crammed into it.

I bet it really chapped his ass that one of the cops was as he puts it "a fucking good for nothing nigger"

What an awful think for him to have said. What a bad bad man.

He was just enjoying a succulent child’s genitals as a meal!

Ah! I see you know your child porn well!

being arrested by /u/OpiesCakeStomp no less

What a hunk of shit.

Stop fucking children, child.

So it's official. We've been saying it all along, yet nobody took our pleas seriously. #BelieveAllFaggots

At least he dressed up for the occasion. And by dressed up I mean he has a faggot tie on.

This is some real low effort stuff

Excellent find, child