Hey guys, when is Ant moving studios to the city of Manhattan? I bet he'll get all the stars!

13  2019-04-29 by snargfursk

It's gonna be like the old days, lil Jimmy will be on every week, and I'm sure Ronnie is gonna show up a couple of times a month at least.


I like that Ant goes out of pocket every week to pay for this fucking boondoggle he calls a media network.

He is losing his ass every pay period just to serve his ego.

What is the Opester doing?

Chilling at his beach home, shitting in a sand hole and laugh as seagulls dig it up and eat it. Doing fucking podcasts with a laptop and a mic while ant shits blood out of his ass and lets his staff rob him.

Soon enough, he won't be able to afford a new vibrating egg.

Already happened, silly. He’s actually got Kyle Crawford on today. You think someone of his stature would go all the way to Long Island to do a basement podcast?

NHL won't even let the Islanders play there for the 2nd round of the playoffs. I heard it's because of Ant. Allegedly but not Allegedly but Allegedly.

Can you even get podcasting equipment into the city?