I have pages of this stuff. He has to be retarded.

16  2019-04-29 by Mintwa


i want to feel bad for him but then i support the death penalty for retards

cant be a hypocrite

Patrick: “I am a (Fag)got.”

When trump is gone eventually and no nazi stuff happened is he going to feel silly?

Of course not, he’ll just claim that AOC and the other progressive socialist retarded bravely stopped evil Nazi Trump from destroying the world

These people are children, and can only think in terms of fantasy

He does act like he’s in some sort of a movie.

Psychologist call it a self fulfilling prophecy or the Pygmalion effect. It’s a feedback loop that no matter what they do, will reinforce their beliefs.

His entire existence is just a bottomless pit of faggotry.

Isn't Israel a perfect example of a nationalist country? I guess Pat really does hate the jews.

Why does he keep posting words on his instagram? Why not just use his twitter?

What a normie.

Hey, had to remove this cuz apparently his Instagram is his copyrighted content. Sorry! Reddit Admins breathing down our neck.