Fucking children...

39  2019-04-29 by Single_Action_Army


It's okay to like goofy shit but at least like something with actual quality writing.

All the likable dudes in got is dead, did that shock you child

I don’t even know what’s happening in got anymore. Not that it is hard to follow, I just stopped paying attention.

The era of white men ruling is over, sweetie. It's our turn now.

That’s what you call a turdfecta.

I thought for sure this was a Patrick bit.

Because of the shitty movies or because I said "fucking children"?

The latter.

Shush child, let the grownups speak...

GoT and the MCU are bloated turds and Star Wars has always sucked (except the music, John Williams is great).

The old republic is what real star wars is all about, when armies of force users battled for control of the galaxy, not this "it takes all my fucking faggot concentration to lift a X Wing out of a swamp"

Peak reddit right there all the way down to the acceptance speech for the silver kind stranger


acceptance speech for the silver kind stranger

I'm scared to ask but what the fuck is that?

when one bloated manchild gives his money to a social media corporation so he can adorn a pixel on another manchilds comment to show appreciation for an especially witty pun, you will observe that the recipient often edits an excited monologue/acceptance speech into his comment because he is in his 30s and still has not yet experienced any praise or recognition of any kind for any notable deed of worth

All hail our shitty corporate overlords.

Isn't this supposed to fall under the genre: "Everyone on Reddit is a faggot" ?