Fagtrick would be a hack if he stole the Starship Repo idea from a writer who has the series already

35  2019-04-28 by Shitpost-Ghost


Someone should inform this Will Tate person of Fatrick.

A cease and desist would go down nicely.

"Fatrick?" Real mature, child.

Oopsie doodles!

The ship is referred to as "she." Maybe this is a hacky thing all sci-fi writers do, but it sounds like someone we know.

Seriously? I'm speechless.

Ohhhhh shit!

Add plagiarism for the list. So now we are up to.

  • Pedophile
  • Cheapskate
  • Faggot
  • Child Trafficker
  • Regressive Leftist
  • Plagiarist

Sexual disappointment for his first wife

Child abuser

And his second.

And everyone he's ever had sexual relations with.

Sexy time you mean.


Get in touch with the author and keep the Feed Nanas to a minimum

Well, he did list Amy Schumer as one of his main influences.

It's also just the overall plot of Robinhood

"Starship Repo" is what would happen to Lord Lardass's Enterprise models if he didnt pay his debts.