I'm telling this sub to go back to the way it used to be. It was one of the funniest fucking subs in the country. It got lost somewhere along the way, it got lost. It was the absolute funniest out of every sub. That didn't give the sub pleasure.

99  2019-04-28 by HoagieErocktion


We're still hilarious.

And what way was that HogieErocktion

This was the magical moment where Anthony was ever forced to make a choice between a true rise again and obscurity. The rest is herstory.

This is shockingly unfunny

It wasn't supposed to be a haymaker you stupid chink.

What was it supposed to be, then?

Light hearted commentary you dumb fuck. Keep stalking me you ugly gook! I bet you have an underbite.

"Light hearted commentary"? What a complete and utter queer

Keep stalking me you ugly gook. How many dates have you taken samsseed on?

Keep inflating your ego by pretending you have stalkers, Joseph Jr.

You stupid faggot go count how many times you've inserted yourself into my conversations 😂

You act faggy or retarded on a consistent basis. Do you need special privileges so certain people can't fuck with your stupid ass?

Hahahaha keep denying it faggot. Here I'll make it easy to deal with you. Blocked.

Wow. I was joking before but you're really Joseph Jr.

The most homosexually Cumia move of all. Way to send him back to obscurity. When this started, I thought your commentary wasmt bad but you really did a good job of making yourself out to actually be the faggot out of of the two of you.

Winner: YangtzeRiverChina

That chink has nothing to contribute, he doesn't have witty insults, he doesn't make me reexamine my ways. Nothing of worth is lost.

You didn't say a single funny thing in this entire debacle. If I'm a chink, you're a low-rank nobody and you can suck my Lo Wang


I'm gonna go ahead and transcribe this before u delete it out of shame.

Seriously, just post the pics of you sucking on a dude or getting fucked in the ass - that'll be less humiliating than this:

"This was the magical moment....where Anthony was ever forced to make a choice between a true rise again and obscurity. The rest is herstory"

  • u/StBrentonOfRemoval

I wouldn't delete it you dumb faggot

Are you referring to when everyone still liked the show? Because admittedly that lead to the sub having a different dynamic to it.

Guess I forgot to laugh


What’s that?

I guess I forgot to laugh!

I don’t give a fuck, dude.

Ron was right. Fuck you Nana!

It’s a subreddit dedicated to something that no longer exists. There is going to be some dry spells.

Literal faggot. Just do the bit, stupid.

I don't think an intervention would work. The second it gets a feeling about Patrick Tomlinson or Space Edge, it makes repeating unfunny posts. It got lost somewhere along the way.

Shush child, let the grownups speak...

Fight hard, My sweet summer sausage child

I’d love to say you’re wrong, but after the separation the Fatrick jokes have gotten completely out of hand. A funny aside? Sure. It’s worth a chuckle, but a non-stop barrage of unfunniness? Why?

Let’s just pick a new target, a new subject, a new something to aim at.

I think that’s the problem with Anthony and this sub that no one wants to admit, you need a rudder to be funny. Opie provided that rudder, and now that it’s gone Anthony is flailing. The show provided a rudder for us, and that it’s dead, maybe we’re flailing.

We need a new funny leader.

Yup. It's turned into the Big Bang Theory. Same jokes, unoriginal Photoshops, canned upvotes, over and over again.

The sub has past us by.

Stop trying to rally troops to force something to happen. It's not only not organic, but it's literally against the rules of reddit.

"You need a rudder to be funny?" Is saying shit like You need a rudder to be funny supposed to be an example of your wise, cutting wit?

You don't need to participate in the posts to consider them a "funny aside" Just go with the flow, throughout the history of this stupid website, the best and longest lasting humor stems from laziness, going with the flow, and beating a dead horse.

Let it be, leave it alone, and stop being a control freak, SpaceEdge.

I stopped following any of this for a few years, is there a link to the original clip? I love angry Ron.

Here's the full episode, I didn't find the right spot but it's around the time Colin Fagerty started taking himself too seriously and Ron calls both of them out. It was great.


Thanks! Ron doesn't get pushed that much, he's great when he does.

You should YouTube search angry Ron, some of the clips I find myself holding my breath it gets so tense.

I love how tough Colin was being, thinking that Ron would back down bc he towers over Ron, & them being inches apart from each other. When Ron was aggressive, Colin backed down immediately

Tough guy Colin was embarassing. You can tell he doesn't get in fights very often and is a doddering old introverted man. The way he got all sensitive shows what a sweetheart he is.

that whole tension between ron and the flat cap cunt with the strained heart is magical. ron is an operator. everyone comes out looking like an idiot, except ron, who is only ever himself.

I love Ron, and Ant had some quick moments, but when the fuck would anybody have considered him among the funniest people in America?

is that tchaikovsky's hymn of the cherubim?

It's Adiago for Strings.

I don't think rehab would help this sub.

one of the best videos ever

that guilty, embarrassed "got lost" from Ant sums up where his life has gone in the past 10 years

Hey guys, make sure to leave u/StBrentonOfRemoval alone. He had a bad day and doesn't want to be made fun of.

Pathetic if true.

Colin Flaherty used some sharpies at his book signings

This sub is SO close to making itself the enemy and eating itself alive

A little sensitive

Nice beret and scarf, stupid.