Gay retard rapes a victim of sex trafficking

32  2019-04-28 by nana_is_hungry


An accurate assessment, yes.

I'd tell you if I was retarded.


He looks pissed there’s no cock and balls swinging between the legs

Gotta admit: Still go back to random interjection Chip on the show occasionally -- along with the other characters. But you could see in that first show he did with Vice that the characters didn't have enough depth to have their own show.

I think what could have worked is if he'd filmed a 'Chicken Hawk' style spoof documentary that followed Uncle Paul.

nice insight, stupid

How did I ever think this faggot was funny

yes, how? i always found norton to be an unfunny phony.

i guess you're just a poor judge of character. oh well!

though if you get raped by a gay retard, it's kind of your fault